The call - IV

Her eyes had widened briefly before she schooled her expression. It was a shock to find him standing in front of the bathroom door, possibly listening to her entire conversation.

Now that she realized, she had been screaming a few sentences out of frustration because Declan was not really ready to listen to her.

"I.." she was about to answer him, but then caught on to something. "How long have you been waiting here?"

"Just answer my question, Joyce." Adrian did not bother hiding his agitation.

She gulped. "Do you trust me?" She asked instead.

"What?" He spat in disbelief, completely aware of how she was trying to change the topic.

"Yes," she nodded, "do you trust me?" it was not like she needed to know that answer at the moment, but a lot depended on it. If he trusted her, Joyce would have no issues in even allowing him to check her she had called. But if you did not, it would change the dynamics of the relationship.