Lunch with the men - IV

Adrian continued, his words hitting the aim, "when Joyce called, you started to notice this change and The Events got your attention which is why you are here alone. You suspect that Henry James is the man your sister and your father are trying to set up instead of you, especially with the change of attitude that your father has towards him."

Declan remained quiet.

"Henry James would be the perfect scapegoat. Your father would still be in charge, he could come in every now and then, Aoife would remain in the family and solidify her position more than she could be able to do anywhere else. All in all, all are benefiting except you." Adrian pointed his finger at him. "You are the only one who gets to be the scapegoat and gets to die."

Joyce made an extra effort to hide her grimace. Could he talk about another morbid topic at the moment? Right, there would not be another one.