The unwanted news- I


Moving on was something that happened on its own time. There was no way Joyce would force herself to move on from the fact that her brother had practically chosen a path of destruction for himself but as time moved on, she gradually stopped.

Only a week later, she had finally managed to stop bursting into tears randomly. The entire week she had given stress to almost everyone that had come in front of her. The servants, including Gavin, looked weary of her.

Margaret had chosen to avoid her completely. She was not good at consoling an incorrigible Joyce. Charles had come in front of her, maybe thrice, and had awkwardly hugged her until Daphne came.

Daphne, good gracious, the woman, be blessed by every good God, she was the one who had held Joyce once again. She had done so previously when she had become an addict and head now down this again.