Lovers walk - II

After sharing a few kisses and an intense make out session, Adrian took her to a brief walk in the woods.

Right beside her, she could see two men walking at a distance, they must have been appointed to follow them into the woods, but would keep their distance.

Joyce then glanced at their joined hands. They effortlessly molded together against each other like people always meant to be.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

She smiled. "What if they cost you more than a penny?"

Now he smiled. "I would pay whatever is required, sweetheart. Tell me the price."

He was serious. She feared that if she did end up telling her the price, she would have whatever she wanted, which is not exactly something she wanted to do at the moment.

"Well," she said, "for my husband, it is completely free. I was just thinking about what I am going to do tomorrow and then the day after. You know, just random thinking of the future that's quite near."