A small getaway - I

Irish cream whiskey with his favorite cigar was something he enjoyed occasionally. Something that was meant to be enjoyed occasionally like when he was in Scotland.

Something to be enjoyed with the site of his wife in the bed, naked, and satisfied by him.

One thing that he was thankful for is the fact that his wife could sleep with peace that he did not find. It made him content and proud of the fact that he made her feel safe enough to sleep with him. He provided protection to her. He deserved her.

The Impromtu honeymoon that he had planned here or something, he wanted to give her to remember in case he had to go to help his friend and Russia and he did not return safely.

He will try his fucking hard is to come back to her safe and sound, a life to live the life. They were meant to live together, but he could never be sure when it came to standing in front of the line of fire. First, he could not imagine talking to her about this.