A cafe date - III

He hurt her.

That much was as clear as divorce. His words hurt her.


The smile she gave him after changing the topic almost went through his heart, and sliced into two pieces.

Adrian answered her, swiftly changing the topic to wish she would continue talking, and he would be able to stare at her, taking in every moment of her that she was spending with just him.

His heart has been dead for a very long time. It had not fucking beat since he had been initiated into this business and that had been almost 20 years ago. The fact that something hurt in his chest, just because his wife smiled through her pain, almost made him realize how far gone he was for her.

It's only he could tell her everything…

He wet his lips and then she turned to him.

Adrian's fingers went to her cheek and he caressed it with the back of his knuckles. "Beautiful, My Joy."

She blushed and fuck, his heart skipped a beat.