Bratty princess - III

Gavin poured her a glass and set it infront of her before giving her a platter of cheese and bits to go with her wine.

Joyce did not pay her any attention. Rather just focused on her food and on completely ignoring the presence of the woman sitting in front of her.

"What did you do today, Katrina?" Adrian asked her, but Joyce could actually feel his eyes burning into her skull. The pointed stare was something she did not look up for because she knew why he was doing that.

Technically, it was supposed to be her to make a conversation with the guest unless of course, it was the business associate that Adrian had invited and had a direct business connection to. Katrina was none of that.

"I was in my room the entire day. The time difference is making me lethargic, it seems." She sighed.

Now Joyce could feel her eyes on her too.