A little time together - I

Joyce was the first one to look away. Even though she had turned her face away, she could still feel her husband looking at her.

How was he able to do that, she would never know. She for one could not do it for as long as he did. Maybe not even half the time as he could.

"So, I look better when I am not pale?"

"Jesus, Joyce. Did you not understand a word I said?" Adrian scoffed and stepped away from her. He took a small walk just towards the table before coming back at her. "Stop mentioning the incident. Do you understand that?" his eyes over already warning, her of gnostic go against him and just answer in a simple 3 letter word, yes.

Alright, then, she was going to stop now. It may be a far stretched joke that she had been able to get away with, but she was sure that if she mentioned it one more time, Adrian was not going to let you get away with it.

"Yes, I understand you."

"Good." He said.

"Good." She said, staring back.