A bad feeling- I

The next day, Joyce woke up at sharp nine in the morning. It was Saturday and she had let Alfred have an entire day of which he would not have when he would be working with Adrian.

The man was appalled when she suggested that he take a leave, almost taking it in consideration as if she was considering firing him for the day. How he reached that logic with something she would not understand. All she had suggested for him was to take a day off. The way he linked it towards being fired was quite senseless.

The conversation went back and forth to why he did not need it and her suggesting that the workload had been a shit ton and he needed to take some time off. He had agreed to take a complete Sunday off, but he wanted a half working day for Saturday, which also included her going in. It seemed that Alfred had conveniently ignored the clue. She wanted to drop it again because She wanted Saturday off as well.