Finally, a relief

Lin Ran entered the room with a girl in his embrace and then he saw me being tied with ropes on the chair and an unknown man standing beside me, we just gave each other an astonished look. Then he parted his lips and said "What are you doing here, Miss?". Like legit boy, can't you see what the **** I'm doing here and then I said in an annoyed tone " I'm having fun, can't you see?", and then I chopped the rope of my right hand and that stupid intruder doesn't tie my legs so I got up and turned around to attack the intruder but Lin Ran came in the speed of light and I couldn't sense that and when I blinked again I saw Lin Ran, and the girl who was standing at door screamed in horror and passed out there. When I turned towards Lin Ran's direction I saw why the girl was terrified, he had his hands around the neck of the intruder and he choked him, it was really horrifying and I was also suprised to see him like that. I chopped the rope of my other hand quickly and ran towards Lin Ran and said "Stop, you might kill him and go to jail !", he didn't stop so I tried to block his hand with mine.

'Stop, you may kill him and go to jail but I won't like it and I'll hate you for the rest of my life " I demanded and then he stopped and put that man down and came towards me and said in a whimpered tone " Ms.Chuan, are you fine.. did you get hurt or something.. should I bring you something ", he looked like he was very shocked when he saw me with that intruder and it was quite strange that someone showed care for me,I was quite shocked but then I said " Thank you, for your concern Mr Lin but are you fine?, and then I saw a bruise on his hand and I don't why I felt so bad for him, it felt like it hurt more than him to me. I carelessly took his hands in mine and said " See you weren't careful, you got a bruise on your hand ..... come sit let me check you if you got any other injuries or not !". I took him by his hand and let him sit on the chair where I was tied and told him to uncover his arm to let me check if it's serious or not, he shyly said "O..ok!" and then he slid back his shirt let me check it.

He had a very strong arm and I can see veins bulge up and his skin was so smooth and silky like you're touching the best quality silk and the color, My god, I never saw such an attractive hand and I was like swooning over it and I should control myself up in this kind of situation. Ahh, I'm a failure. Then I stopped myself from swooning over a hand and checked his injury and it was such a big injury

that I wanted to hit him why barge in like a super hero if you don't know how to do it and I said in angry tone " Why do want to become a superman, huh? See how big injury you got ! and I pressed his bruise vigorously then he whimpered and said "it hurts ! " and then I added "You know it hurts then why did you do it ?, I said it in angry voice. He then said "What should I do then, what if he hurt you ? what...." I dashed in his words and said " but he didn't,so.." . Lin Ran blocked my mouth with his hand and then he continued "But, what if he did hurt you and was being present there and I couldn't do anything it would have hurt more than this and I don't like beauties like you to get hu..." and again I interrupted " So you became a hero who saves distress in damsel, huh". He pinched my nose and said "Yeah, I would do that". I don't know my cheeks were getting more hot than this room and like my stomach has got some cramps but not that fatal and then suddenly a sound of someone groaning came, we both turned around at the same time we saw that guy was standing and Lin Ran suddenly stood up and then I held his and said " No need for you to solve this, I'll take care of this ", after I completed my sentence I stood and walked towards the direction that man was standing, I clenched my fist and throwed away a vigorous punch and dashed his nape and done. Lin Ran watched me in an astonished look and I said "See, I'm capable of doing this alone, ahh, I should call Ming to take care all of this and this lady who passed out, we should take her to infirmary", Lin Ran seemed to be quiet ashamed but then I spoke, again "No need to be shy, many people do this " and then he said " Yeah, Many people do this but not everyone gets caught" and he spoke again" I happened to ask you something, CAN I ? ". I replied yes and then he continued " Are you the one who reported me earlier ?". I was quiet shook after hearing what he said but I support what is correct and resent what is wrong so I confessed " Yeah, that was me who saw you ", I said this sentence being a bitch and I don't mind, then I took my phone, which that intruder kept on the one of the tables and called Ming and explained her the situation. I turned around to see Lin Ran, he was sitting by side to window and honestly, he was quite attractive, I stopped myself to stop thinking about this types of thoughts and asked him " If you've completed the your talk to rain, let's tie this man take this lady out ".