The pain in my stomach went for a little while but kept coming back, I would freeze for a second before it completely left. I know what this was but I was trying to deny it, Charlie wasn't here and I couldn't do this alone. So maybe if I pretend it's not happening it won't yet, but a pain in my stomach tells me that's not gonna be an option. I didn't want to scare Bobby, so I put him down for his nap like usual while having to hide the pain I was feeling.
I begin to pace the kitchen kind of panicking, I know to some people they wouldn't be panicking as they'd have so much time. With Bobby, my contractions started and an hour later he was here. I place my head on the counter just waiting for the pain to take a break, I grip onto the counter when the pain it a peak before it stopped. I catch my breath looking up and came face to face, with Richard.