So Helpful

I stalked over to Eric and ripped the plate out of his hand. Ignoring his snooty grin. Even though just seeing it made my hair stand on end. "I don't need your help with anything."

"Allison." My mom snapped. Happening to be walking by.

He probably asked her to follow just so she'd catch me talking to him like we really talk to each other.

He's certainly that evil.

"Be nice to, Eric. He's just bringing you some dinner. Is it necessary for you to always be so mean?"

"Yes." Eric tipped his head down. Projecting a huge pouting lip. Though his blue eyes danced from beneath those dark slashing brows. "Is it necessary to be so mean to me?"

"You're Satan!" I hissed under my breath.

He leaned in my room so he was out of ear shot of my mother a short distance away, adjusting a picture in the hallway.

"Then come to the dark side, Allie Kat. You might have some fun..."

"Screw you."

"You could do that too." Those damnable dimples appeared in his cheeks and he gave me a quick wink before leaning back out so he was in full view of my mother.

"Allison!" He cried so suddenly I nearly dropped my plate as I was turning from the doorway.

Thinking his tormenting was over.

And clearly mistaken.

"Whatever is in your hair!" He reached out and snatched the handful at the front of my forehead.

Making me wince as he tugged it just enough to be annoying.

"How'd you get gum in your hair? Jess," He called my mom over. "does that look like gum to you?"

She came over and stepped between him and I to examine the fistful of hair he gripped. She blinked in astonishment.

"Allison!" She chastised. "How'd you manage that?"

He leaned around her shoulder to dramatically mouth "How?"

I wanted to stab him with the first sharp object I could find. Repeatedly.


"We have to get this out!" My mom frowned.

"Oh, no Jess." Eric crooned in a way that had my gut dropping.

He's up to something awful.

"Let me help her. You have that class in fifteen minutes and I know how much it means to you."

"Oh!" She gave him a heartfelt look. Putting a hand over her heart. "You're just the most thoughtful boy!"

"I know." He nodded smilingly.

Then he turned those amused blue eyes on me. Beginning to lead my by my hair toward the bathroom. "Come on, Allie. Let's get this washed out of your hair. It's a shame you're so clumsy. You really must be more careful..."

"Yes, Allison! Really?" My mom mimicked heading downstairs. "You're seventeen years old. How do you get gum in your hair at seventeen?"

"Demonic swine." I answered under my breath.

He grinned as if I'd complimented him. "Come on, Allie..." He closed the door. "Kat."

I growled in frustration and jumped at him.

He laughingly batted away my windmilling arms. Before catching one wrist then the other. "Now are you going to let me help you or prolong our time together for as long as possible?"


"Hell, no. I want out of this bathroom now!"

He had his back to the door. Effectively blocking it. He crossed his forearms over his chest and looked down his nose at me.

I knew that look. There'll be no moving him.

"Why do you want to help me?"

"You mean why would I want to get you all wet?"

"Washing my hair!" I expostulated. Blushing furiously. Despite that I felt something low in my gut cinch every time he made comments like that.

He chuckled in that deep rumbling voice. "You're so feisty."

He dropped his arms. "Perhaps I feel bad for sticking it in your hair."

"I wish I had that on recording." I glowered.

To play for my mom and his dad.

"Dream on Sweetheart." He turned me around and headed me toward the bathtub.

"Let's start by taking off your shirt." He caught the bottom of it and slid it up my belly a couple inches.

I made a squawking noise and jerked it back down. Sticking my chin out impudently as I glared up at him.

He laughed outright this time. "Fine."

He tugged off his black t-shirt.

And I winced at my own reaction. Feeling an immediate goose bumping along my flesh at the sight of his hard body. Rippling abs and a lean corded body.

Though he wasn't overly huge. Every inch of him was twined with muscle.

"Now." He gave me an intense look. "Let's do this."