Lost Sweetness

“My diary is none of your business!” I stepped from the bath. Horrified at the prospect he may’ve read it. I scanned the bathroom for the nearest towel.

Feeling his gaze roving over my dangling breast as I leaned to reach toward the cupboard and tossed it open.

“And back to shrew.” He bemoaned. Rolling his head back to look at the ceiling in defeat. Before rolling his head to look at me. “And so sweet, just moments ago.”

The way he said it made it clear he meant being in me was ‘sweet’.

I have to keep that from ever happening again.

I’d basically lost every shred of my dignity during this last little instance.

Along with my virginity. I thought ruefully. Looking away as he tugged off the condom and chucked it into the nearby trash can.

Evidence of him being my first.

Why did I lie to him about it? I knew why. Because I didn’t want him to think I was lame, especially knowing how experienced he was.