
“Come on, Vicious. Let’s go watch a movie.”

“What kind of movie?” We usually fought over what to watch on t.v. because he usually wanted to watch something action and I liked True Crime and sad flicks.

“Chick flick?” He offered.

“Oh, how generous.” I said. Mimicking his sweet voice from earlier. Making his eyes go hooded in suspicion. “Any one I want or is there a particular one you use to get in girl’s pants?”

“Even if there was, it’d be a bit late now.”

“Oh!” I blew out my cheeks in frustration.

He laughed. “You’re so cute pissed. Like an enraged chipmunk.”

He nudged the bottom of my chin with his knuckle as if I were adorable.

As he walked away, I picked up an empty plastic water bottle and threw it at the back of his head.

He jerked to a dead stop.


I grimaced. Ducking my head as I realized I may’ve just gotten far more of his attention than I wanted.

He slowly twisted to peer over his shoulder. Giving me a long blue-eyed study.