Crying Sanctuary

Eric was prowling the Lobby when class ended. I peered around the wall and saw him pacing near the doors.

Guarding them.

I fetched my bag and had Emilia grab hers. I caught her sleeve and dragged her toward the back doors that led to the Courtyard. I’d take her around to the Parking Lot and we’d get away before he even knew we were out of class.

I caught my bike, half expecting his hand to land over mine on the handlebars and stop me where I was, but I managed to throw it in the back of Emilia’s SUV and hopped in. Veering out of the Parking Lot fast enough we drove up on one curb.

I bit my lip. Still wanting her to go faster.

We turned onto the road away from the school and I blew a relieved breath. Closing my eyes and hoping I didn’t hear the sound of his big engine revving.

We pulled up to the white house with red trim and I nearly hugged her.