Crimes of a Housemaid

Randy Demetrius’ carriage pulled up to the high Manse. Eying it triumphantly. He stepped out and stretched. His eyes taking in the grounds and gardens.

Everything which was now his.

His footmen gathered his things and prepared to take them in.

Randy, the new Lord Demetrius, was a man of stalky build and moderate height. With shaggy reddish hair and rich brown eyes. A wealthy spoiled man who had long desired the prestige that came with being Lord of his own House.

His offhanded air garnered him all the attention from women he wanted. Except the one woman he’d always wanted.

Belle Demetrius.

Ever since the first time Randy had set eyes on her he’d wanted her. And it hadn’t taken much sweet talking to work himself into a position to visit her father regularly.

To get his hands on her as often as possible.