Hallowed Ground

After breakfast, which Bodin spent mostly silent after his odd comment, we went out to the grounds to examine Charters House.

It was the strangest place I’d ever seen. As we entered the grove beyond the house, I was surprised by the methodical way the trees grew, leaving a path between. Over the top of them were hard, dried vines which created an arbor that darkened this place.

Giving one the sense they’d just entered a sacred hall.

Once through there, the trees peeled open to reveal a pretty grove. Red, blue and yellow flowers were in full bloom here. Water trickled over the heavy leaves to drip within the bubble of ripe nature.

There was a faint humming in the distance.

“What’s that sound?” I turned around to look.

“Things that live here.” He said dismissively. Catching my arm and turning me toward the flowers. He knelt and plucked one. Straightening to tuck it thoughtfully behind my ear.

Or trying to distract me.
