Evil Glee

Randy Demetrius wasted no time. Eager to find his target.

Already remembering the moment he’d realized how much he hated her.

The first time he’d gone after one of the Demetrius maids forcefully.

It had been Belle that caught him. Barely more than a child.

“Take your hands off her!” She’d shouted with white fists.

“Stay out of this!” He had a maid, far older than he pinned to a corner in the pantry and was reaching beneath her skirts, rubbing her while she sobbed. “Go away.”

“She’s a Demetrius servant!” She’d announced regally. “Leave her be or I’ll call Papa to have you tossed!”

She’d declared it as forcefully as any magistrate.

Randy hadn’t stopped touching the maid. Determined to feel her and get a chance at her.

She was a pretty raven-haired thing, he’d lusted after for the last few years he’d been coming here and he wanted her.

What business was it of the tiny misses to tell him what he could or could not do.