Status And Arrival In Another World

Edited by: Xzider

[Name: Jackson Wang

==Cultivation of energy: - None

Soul level: - None

Body level: - None


1. Body lineage: - Nature's Body: - Lv.1 [Nature's Energy]

2. Body lineage: - Body of the Eater: - Lv.1

3. Body lineage: - Body of Emptiness: - Lv.1


Qi: - Lv.1

Energy of Nature: - Lv.1

Soul Power: - Lv.1


1. Alchemy - lv. 1

2. Blacksmith - lv. 1

3. Teacher - lv. 1

4. Tamer - lv. 1

5. Master in Matrix - lv.1

6. Rune Master - lv. 1

7. Cooking - lv. 1

8. Master Craftsman - Lv. 1

9. Botany - lv. 1

10. Medicine - lv. 1

11. Power Control - lv. 1

12. Master of Martial Arts - lv. 1

13. Battle Instinct - Lv. 1

14. Element Control - lv. 1

15. Understanding the Law - lv.1

System Function:

1. [ Shop ]

2. [ Cross Worlds ]

3. [ Spoils of War ]

System Inventory: - None ]

"So, these are my statuses!" He exclaimed in surprise.

[ Exactly, with the statuses, your journey in the cultivation world will be smoother ]

Jackson was amazed, "Wait a moment, I wasn't supposed to have a starter package?"

[ No, this is not a game, if you want something, you have to fight for it. Nothing in life comes for free, * _ * ]

"I understand, that makes sense but what the fuck is that! It makes no sense."


"So, now what do I do?"

[ I'll send you to another world, try your best to not die! Bye + _- ( Minced) ]




Jackson was slowly waking up, he remembered that after the system finished talking, he felt a headache and everything went dark.

He looked around and only saw trees plus undergrowth.

"System, where am I?" He asked as he surveyed around.

[ You are currently in the Shadow Forest, this is one of the forbidden areas of this world, so I recommend assimilating your talents! ]

"Talents?" He inquired.

[ Exactly, each talent has its peculiarities so, as you assimilate with this knowledge, it will be as if you had them for years, even if you haven't done the slightest practice ]

"I see, so let's get started," he spoke excitedly.

But it only lasted for a short time before his vision began to dim.

'Fuck! Not again...'




"Shit!" Jackson again rose steadily.

He felt different, as an explosion of knowledge came to his mind, knowledge that he did not have before and now had.

When he was sent to the forest, he didn't know what to do but now he knew.

The first step was to find a night shelter, preferably with drinking water that was not far away.

He then got to his knees, put his hand to his ears then made a cone shape, sharpening his senses, he tried to feel the vibrations and moisture in the spot.

This was one of the survival techniques that he acquired from assimilation, this technique aimed to feel the vibrations and if possible, moisture to find a river or lake.

Jackson was unsuccessful at feeling the vibrations but when he sensed the breeze, he noticed a faint trace of moisture indicating that there was water in that direction.

He walked for several minutes and found various animal tracks, ranging from small to half a meter.

He was astounded because the bigger the footprints, the larger the beast was and for a footprint of this size, the height of the creature would be immense. It gave Jackson a sense of urgency.

Currently, he was very weak, any wild beast in this forest could kill him.

After a long walk he felt a damp breeze on his face, he smiled as he ran in the direction the wind was coming from.

When he arrived, Jackson saw a lake with crystal clear water and a barricade of rocks making a wall behind it.

He spotted a huge tree with a hollow center not far from the lake.

When he got close, he realized that the hole in the tree was made by someone, probably as a shelter.

But after analyzing the tracks, he realized it was a long time ago.

Now that he's got a shelter, it was time to arrange for it to become habitable.