Extreme Yang Weed

Jackson was eager to test out the new power he acquired and the snake will be the perfect test-target for it.

Although the level of the snake is higher than that of the beast-eating flower, the quality is lower.

Which makes their battle power almost equal.

'Perfect opponent for the perfect moment.'

Jackson drew his sword and advanced towards the snake.

The snake was annoyed because Jackson had invaded its territory.

It was guarding the spiritual plant, as consuming it would increase its power, perhaps make it even level up.

The two went into colliding. Jackson could only do insignificant injuries at first, as the snake's body was enveloped with solid scales.

'Normal attacks don't have much impact, if it's like this, take this then.'

Jackson struck, but this time the blade of the sword was coated with dominant wind property energy.

He shifted like the wind, the snake tried to strike Jackson in every way, but he was too quick to get caught by its relentless attacks.

As more time went by the snake's injuries became increasingly severe.

Despite the wounds, the snake managed to keep pace, but suddenly there was a sign of hesitation.

Jackson didn't let this chance slip, he struck it with all his might on the neck, cleaving its head from its body.

'This technique made me so much more powerful, I didn't even need to summon my beasts.'

Jackson saw the snake's body becoming light.

[Spoils of war: Black Snake 1x]

He then gave a smile of satisfaction.

'Well, let's see what this plant is.'

He approached the tree. On one of its branches, there was a red-colored plant that was emitting yang energy.

Jackson could not identify the plant, which reveals that his knowledge of botany is inadequate, that is, the herb is too powerful for his level of experience.

That was a pleasant surprise. Jackson neared and said.



You got : Extreme Yang Weed]

Jackson got another huge shock. Although he did not recognize the flower, he knows its effects very well.

When a person is born, he or she receives a special type of energy.

Man has Yang energy and Woman has Yin energy.

It is through this power that a person can cultivate.

When Jackson was born, everyone thought that he had no Yang energy, because of that he could not cultivate.

But the truth was that when the devourer was absorbing the energy of nature, he eventually absorbed the yang energy unintentionally.

Which led to misunderstanding, after all the devourer had never appeared so far.

Jackson knows he can't use the flower right now, the yang energy contained in the flower is too great, if he tries to absorb it anyway, he could end up dying.

Seeing that there was nothing more interesting in this place, he moved on.




Somewhere in the woods, a battle was going on.

Four figures were battling, all of them were women.

The strongest one had a blue dress on, a celestial sword in her hand and a veil on her face, preventing other people from seeing her face.

And the other three were wearing black outfits and had scary masks on with a smile.

"Surrender Su Feixue, we're three, you're just one."

"Exactly, you may be stronger than us individually, but you are no match for all three of us together."

"Why are we still talking to her? let's break her legs and then take her with us, hehehe."

Su Feixue, the heavenly-looking woman didn't answer to any of the three.

"Ice Age"

She cast a powerful area spell, that made all the trees in that place freeze.

The three figures jumped off the ground and threw black knives at Su Feixue.

She blocked them all and screamed.

"Ice storm"

Time began to fly, while snow slowly started to fall.

All three figures knew this was bad, and if it went on, it would only be a matter of time before a blizzard was formed. At that point they would lose all the advantages, so they had to act fast.

"Black Claws"

A dark claw came out of the ground and attacked Su Feixue, she managed to dodge, but one of the three figures then appeared in front of her, she stuck a dagger into Su Feixue's chest.

But she didn't let the dagger hit her, grabbed the dark figure's hand and cast a spell.

The figure screamed in pain, her right arm was completely frozen.

"Damn bitch, let go of our sister!"

Shouted the other figure running to the scene.

Su Feixue released her and stepped back.

"Damn, I'll tear apart all your limbs, I'll make you regret being born." The woman shouted angrily with her frozen arm.

Su Feixue knows she can't stand her ground for long.

She looks back and saw a cliff was not far away.

'Dying rather than being caught by them is better'

That was her last thought before jumping off the cliff.

The three figures were startled by the new development, they advanced toward the edge and looked down.

"It's very deep, she certainly died from the fall."

"No matter what, we can't go back empty-handed, we should at least bring her corpse."

The three then turned around and left.