Why are you giving me a mud bar?

Inside the house, Jackson bought a bed using the system.

Although the makeshift bed is good, Jackson now has enough empty spots to purchase a decent bed.

He placed the woman on the mattress.

Jackson then went on to check her condition.

He discerned that although her state had stabilized thanks to his nature energy, her life force was slowly recovering, from the pace she was going, he estimated it would take her a week to wake up.

But Jackson can't wait for a week, so he grasped her arm and injected nature qi.

Su Feixue was slowly regaining consciousness, she felt something gripping her arm and an extremely pure energy entering her body, making her weakened state steadily improve.

She opened her eyes languidly. In front of her was a young man kneeling with his eyes shut, he was holding her arm, it was from him, that pure energy was coming from.

She was stunned by what she witnessed, the young man was in the early stages of body refinement, yet he had extremely pure energy, which is very rare.

She glanced around and noticed that she was resting on a bed in a small shelter.

Seeing that there is no threat around, she then relaxed. Feeling the sudden interruption of the flow of energy she was receiving, she gazed at the young man.

Jackson injected all of his nature energy from his body to the woman's, but she seemed like a bottomless pit, no matter how much qi he inserted inside her, it never filled up.

As his qi of nature ran out, he released the woman's hand.

Jackson then wiped the sweat off his face.

Sighing with tiredness, he opened his eyes and glanced at the woman, she had already woken up and was gazing at him.

"Hello, it looks like you woke up." Jackson gave a weak smile when he spoke to her.

The woman didn't answer him but kept on staring at him in silence.

Jackson was perplexed, he didn't know what to do in this kind of situation.

Then he recalled that once he had passed out, his mother gave him chocolate, she stated that lack of glucose could have caused fainting so eating sugar would make him regulate glucose in his body, so he can feel better.

The situation was different, but that was all he could think about.

Jackson didn't have anything sweet at the moment, but that wouldn't be a predicament since he has the system.

He then proceeded to the system store and bought a candy bar.

"Eat this, it'll help you feel great." Jackson tried to give her the chocolate, but she kept on staring at him.

Jackson scratched his head in bewilderment, he didn't know why she hadn't accepted. After all, chocolate is very good.

He then recollected that maybe there was no chocolate in this world, not to mention that they just met, if it were him, he wouldn't receive anything from a stranger either.

Jackson then took a piece of chocolate and ate it.

"Look, there's nothing wrong with this chocolate. It's fabulous, you can verify it, you'll like it." Jackson took a bite before, to show her that there was nothing wrong with the chocolate.

Su Feixue felt odd about the whole situation, she saw the young man take a piece of mud from the bar and offered her to try.

Of course, she didn't eat, just stared at him strangely.

She then saw him grab a piece and eat, he wanted to prove that there was nothing wrong with the mud bar, but she already knew that, after all with her cultivation level, she would notice right away if there was poison.

But she was stunned by the young man's courage to eat a piece of mud.

He then said it was fine and offered it once more.

She was interested in why the young man said it was wonderful, then took the bar just to find out.

Su Feixue then realized that this was not mud, but something else she had never seen.

She smelled it faintly, as it has a pleasant aroma, she took a piece and tasted it.

The chocolate began to melt in her mouth and an incredible taste with a sweetness invaded her taste buds, her body began to relax and she felt a marvelous sensation in her body, she was very happy while enjoying that feeling.

She never experienced that kind of feeling before, she took another bite and ate it, but then recalled the situation she was in.

Su Feixue then gazed at that young man, who was smiling at her as she was eating happily, she was a little embarrassed to have been watched while eating.

Feixue then remembered that she didn't thank him for saving her life, after all, if he had not brought her to this place, perhaps she would have been devoured by some beast.

She looked at the young man, opened her mouth and spoke.

"Thank you for saving me, if it wasn't for you, I could have died."

"No need to thank me, I just did what I thought was right, alas, my name is Jackson and you?"

"My name is Su Feixue."

Edited by: Xzider