Goblins Get Names

Edited by: Xzider

After feeding the carp, Jackson turned to Feixue.

Feixue realized from Jackson's reaction that he doesn't know about the power of the carp, it piqued her interest even more of why the carp has a relationship like this with him.

"Jackson, I'm going to meditate, so I can regain my power faster," She didn't wait for his answer. Feixue went straight under the tree and sat in a meditative position.

Jackson scratched his head not knowing what to say, so he focused on the goblins.

"You four, gather here," the goblins rushed to him excitedly.

"So, as you are my hired beasts, I will name each one of you, this will facilitate our communication from now on."

The goblins were overjoyed to know that they will get a name, after all, it was very rare for a beast to have a name unless it was a contracted beast, but the goblins didn't know it.

For them, having a name was inconceivable.

Jackson then gazed at their leader, who was also looking at him expectantly.

He began to analyze the leader, as he was a swordsman and commands the group, he had to give a name that imposes respect.

Jackson then visioned a legendary figure, regarded as the sword god, the one who never lost a battle.

He was considered by many historians to be the greatest swordsman mankind ever had. In his days, he was regarded as a god who was within the body of a mortal, his sword techniques were transcendental.

After deciding the name, Jackson glanced at the goblin leader.

"One step forward, now I will give you a name, but this is not just any name, but rather the name of a legendary figure who had exceeded his time."

"So, don't dishonor this legendary name, become a powerful swordsman and show that I wasn't wrong to give you this name," as the goblin leader listened to his master's speech, he was filled with expectation and pride.

"Very well, from now on you will be called Miyamoto Musashi."

The goblin then knelt down, weeping with emotion, for them it was unthinkable to have a name, let alone a legendary figure's.

"Get up, never kneel, or you'll embarrass the name you just got," Jackson spoke sternly, Musashi quickly got up and went back while holding in the tears.

Jackson then looked at the other three, he was trying to decide which one to choose next.

He saw the girl looking at him with bright eyes, she was almost shouting at him to choose her.

"Well, you step forward," she was super happy to be chosen by her master, she simply didn't jump with joy because she was afraid that her master will be angry.

Jackson began to think of a female swordsman's name. He then recalled a picture from a certain game.

She was a winged being, an immortal who despised injustice and evil.

"Well, just like your brother, I'll name you based on a mythical figure. She's fearless, honorable, and when she sees injustice happening, she intervenes without thinking twice."

"Do you think you can carry this weight?"

Jackson inquired.

She didn't think twice and nodded instantly in agreement.

"So from now on, you'll be called Kayle The Righteous."

She, upon receiving the name, almost fainted with overwhelming emotions, finally, she had a name and it was of a divine figure.

She wondered what this winged figure she was named after would look like.

Jackson didn't think much about Kayle's daydreams. He focused on the next one.

The stronger goblin, seeing that he was being watched by his master, stepped forward without fear.

Jackson was amazed at his self-confidence.

He didn't even have to think long and hard to decide what his name will be.

This was the name of a monster from a novel that Jackson had followed and liked very much, he had monstrous strength to the level that no one can compete with him.

Jackson decided to give this name because of the similarity in physical stature.

"So from now on, you will be called Tyrant."

"This is the name of a figure who had enormous power, he didn't contemplate twice before raising mountains and splitting the seas."

Tyrant shouted with satisfaction at his new name, which sounded very powerful.

"As for you."

The weaker goblin, receiving Jackson's gaze, stepped forward shyly.

He, of the four, was the most vulnerable, because of this he developed an inferiority complex.

Jackson knew he was weak, but this was not his fault, after all, he had no way of knowing that he has a talent for magic.

Jackson then imagined the figure of a great wizard in a comic he read, that figure was very powerful.

"Don't overlook yourself, you are frail because you have a talent for magic, but the magic in the early stages is very feeble, but as you get stronger, your magic will grow exponentially."

"Because of that I'll give you the name Warlock, this was a cosmic level figure."

Warlock was thrilled, but he was too shy to express his happiness.

He shook his hands strongly, he swore he will become a strong person to honor the name that was given by his master.

Jackson could see his joy even though he tried to hide it.

Feixue was under the tree, though she was still meditating but also was paying attention to Jackson.

When she heard these names, she thought they were all invented by Jackson so he could encourage the goblins to get stronger.

Seeing that he had already given them names, she returned her full attention on meditating.