Jackson's mortal choice

Edited by: Xzider

'We don't have time for that.' Jackson was in a critical condition and could die at any moment.

[ Alright, so what do you want? (@ _ @) ]

'I want you to talk about how to defeat this man in front of me.' Jackson knew that he couldn't defeat him alone, so he appealed to the system.

[ The enemy in front of you is very powerful and you don't have many points to spend.

You can't buy a weapon strong enough to defeat the enemy.

You also can't acquire new techniques great enough to help in battle and even if you could, you don't have time to train ]

'So, you mean I have no choice but to die in this place?' Jackson couldn't accept this situation, he had his family to return to and the promise with Feixue to comply with.

[ I have a solution but the likelihood of you dying is 80%, do you want to hear it? ]

"Simply say, it's not like I'm not going to die anymore." If the system didn't continue, he would die anyway, so he didn't have a reason to hesitate.