Person with the surname Su

Edited by: Xzider

"Now, that everything is going well. It's time to start you guy's training," John then looked at the trio, the rose, the black wolf and the big bear.

"Jackson had mentioned, it was possible to see your status through the system," John recalled that Jackson spoke about this while explaining the functions of the dimension.

"System, show their status window," John ordered excitedly after all this would be his first time seeing a status window, because of that he was thrilled to see what it was like.

[ OK! ]


[ Mountain Bear

Level: Body Refinement (level 8)

Quality: Unusual.

Type: Beast / Earth

Weakness: Water

Skill: [Fury lv: 1] [Charge lv: 2] [Scratch lv: 2] [Enhanced defense lv: 1]

Evolutionary path: Bear of the hills (Beast / Earth), Bear of fury (Beast), Polar bear (Beast / Ice), Forest bear (Beast / Plant) ...]


[ Black Wolf

Level: Body Refinement (level 9)

Quality: Unusual

Type: Beast / Dark