


Mark's POV

I wasn't planning to attend this party but for the sake of collaboration with companies, I had to force myself into this boring party.

"Hey yo! What's up? Ain't you enjoying the party?" Alex, my best friend asked, already drunk.

He's so useless when drunk also I haven't seen the owner of the company I'm collaborating with but I heard it was a woman who runs the company. It is so hard to find an ambitious woman running a successful company.

The reason why I accepted the company's products is to introduce new strategies to my new aligned investors and seeing how her company was determined to meet my needs made me go for it.

"Alex, have you seen the lady of the company I am collaborating with?"

"Not yet, chill out buddy. I know you're so eager to see how beautiful she looks, which I'm sure she's a hot cake." He replied with a naughty grin.

I don't care how beautiful or sexy she looks. All I am after is my company's welfare and expansion not on any woman.

"Fuck off dude. I can't ever be into her or any woman no matter how beautiful they look."

"Let's see about that, Mark." He smirked and walked away.

I can't believe how I got him as a friend. He's always taking things serious or might be as the result of the alcohol he has consumed making me spill out shits that ain't going to happen.

I dropped the wine on my hand and head to the restroom to take a break from Alex's fucking attitude and for my purpose.

After doing my thing, I walked out like the gentleman I look to everyone but couldn't find Alex anywhere.

He must have seen a bitch to lie with and had to leave without informing me.

I still can't imagine how I turned up to this boring party where the C.E.O isn't here to welcome her special guest of honour. I just hope I don't regret working with a company that's irresponsible and unaccountable.

I gotta get out of her or else I might lose it on anyone just like I did to that pretty lady that bumped into me at a business party in New York.

I can't deny the fact that she's extremely beautiful and dashing but so rude. She might look pretty from the face but her attitude is nothing good to talk about.

I signalled two of my bodyguards from the door who both left to set the cars ready.

"I hope she has a good reason for not turning up at the party she knows she wouldn't attend and had to make a busy man like me show up." I cussed in a low tone about heading for the door when a voice stopped me.

"Mr Mark, I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting."

The voice sounded so enticing, beautiful and calming to the heart which made me curious to know who the voice belongs to.

I turned around to see an elegant beauty dressed in a blue dress with a sweet smile that got my nerves relaxed instantly.

"Who's this beautiful woman and did she know my name?" I asked myself.

I curved my brows curiosity, staring at her when she brought forth her hands for a hand shake.

"Oh...my bad! I'm Madison Williams, the C.E.O of Williams Corporation."

She's the C.E.O after all who decides to show up thirty minutes after the party. I've got to put her in her place so she can know I don't tolerate my time being wasted.

"You're late Miss Williams. Everyone who works hard to collaborate with me knows I don't like lateness but since it's the first time we're starting a business together, I'll allow this slide and I hope it won't ever happen again." I stated with power.

When it comes to business, I don't joke with anything so I can't be misled by her beauty and how much I hate lateness with everything. That's the reason why I need to let her know if she wants to collaborate with my company or not.

"I'm sorry Mr Mark, I know I deserve that but I hope you enjoyed the party?" She inquired, dropping off her hand.

I know I might be too harsh but I don't like being delayed with anything.

"Yeah, I did but I'm leaving. I have a business meeting to attend by tomorrow."

"Okay Mr Mark. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"Same Miss Williams." I responded and walked away with the two bodyguards I signalled earlier.

Madison's POV

He's really handsome like a Greek god but has a rude attitude with the way he talks to people which I don't know I can hold up with for long.

I don't like people getting bossy and rude towards me. It's not like he's my boss or anything, I'm only partnering with his successful company for a short while and even if he owns the whole of the world, he shouldn't have to get so rude and proud.

"Boss, what happened between you too? And why is he leaving so soon?" Mary, asked behind me.

"He's handsome like you said but he's rude as fire." I spilled out.


"Can you believe, I approached him nicely but he responded back rudely saying I was late and he hates lateness and should never be repeated if we want to work together."

"I see, it is really rude of him to address someone you just met for the first time but boss, I did tell you, he's so handsome and manly." She remarked, praising him like he was some kind of hero.

"Yeah but you didn't mention his cold and rude attitude towards me." I drawled, turning to face her.

"I don't know he's cold and rude, boss. Sorry for that."

"It's not your fault. I don't know if I can keep up with his rude ways. I might shut him up one day, if he gets me to the edge. You know I don't take rudeness from anyone."

"But boss, what if it bridges the contract we've worked so hard for behind the line, what would happen?"

"I don't mind Mary. There are other successful companies we can sell our products to so nothing to overwork yourself on."

"I pray everything goes well without you both getting angry." She murmured.

"Here you are sweetie. Come, let me introduce you to a few of the previous investors who would like to work with you." Dad uttered, disputing our discussion.

"Good evening Mr Williams." Mary greeted him politely.

"Good evening Mary, darling." He answered and urged me to follow him to the table where his friends were seated.


The moment we got home, dad decided it was time to give me the present but laid out a small rule that I must close my eyes until he tells me to which wasn't something difficult so I accepted.

"Okay princess. You can open your eyes now." He announced and I opened them slowly to see a box wrapped with a ribbon in my front.

"Check it out, honey." Mum instructed with a smile and I began to unwrap the ribbon and finally opened the box to see a brand new car key and some documents.

"Really dad? You got me a new car?" I inquired, with excitement.

"Yes princess. Check the document first before checking out the car."

"Okay." I answered and picked the document and went through it to see it was the document for a large range of land.

"Oh my goodness!!! Dad, you got this for me as well?" I asked, getting on my feet.

"Yes angel. You can build a company or anything under your name."

"I love you so much." I exclaimed and hugged him into a hug.

"I love you too baby. Let's go check out the car in the garage."

"Yes, let go." We all head to the garage.

"Honey, I hope you won't get on top of the world when you set your eyes on the car." Mum teased me on the way.

"I won't mum." I beamed.

"Sure, you will." She laughed as we got to the garage.

My jaws dropped when I got a glimpse of a black shiny Bugatti La Voiture Noire.

"What do you say about the car, princess? Do you like it?"

I really don't know what to say because I wasn't expecting any of these beautiful surprises from both of them.

"Give her a break sweetheart, she's still in shock. I told you, she's going to get shocked and emotional."

I'm so fortunate to have such sweet parents who are willing to spend the world just for me.

"I don't know what to say to you both but I love you both so much and will never do without you both in my life." I burst out in tears.

"We love you so much too, baby. You don't have to cry." Mum whispered and hugged me.

"That's right angel. You're our only child and will do anything just to make you happy." Dad added and joined in the hug.

"I really love the presents. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, baby." They replied, same time

I can't ask for anything except their sweet love and undying affection.