9 days have passed, and the three have already finished all their dungeon run. All that was left was just the Enchanted Werebear Nest.
“Are you sure this is a nest? It felt more like a village.” They arrived at a palisaded place with wooden towers lined up behind those walls.
It is, however, unguarded. Just like every other dungeon, nest, and lair entrance, adventurers are free to enter it. The Unknown Artisan designed the monsters inside to magically stand on their post as soon as someone triggered the place mechanism. Those who are previously lost also got revived.
“We’re up against werebear, they’re like primitive humans who have the ability to shapeshift. So yea… of course they’ll live in a humane society.” Adra explained.
One thing that differs the nest from a normal village however, is the existence of animal leathers that coated their palisades and gates. There are also a bunch of mer and monsters being impaled near their gate to ward off wanderers (supposedly).