The Host and the Guest pt. 1

“I never thought I’ll get to witness your ‘immortality’ so soon.” Adra hesitantly said as the three walked out of the second stage.

“Ahaha…” Gytha awkwardly chuckled. “Better not talk about it.” The girl glanced her eyes to Staas who quietly led them on the front.

“Does it hurt? You know… dying?” Adra whispered as silently as he could.

“Depends on which one.” She answered with a weak smile.

“Say no more, I get the gist.”

As they continue to walk, they realized the path between the silver door and the gold door wasn’t filled with some kind of arena where tons of werebear hunt them to death.

Instead, lines of stalls stood tall with all kinds of tools and equipment free for the picking for them to prepare themselves to fight against the final boss.