Chapter Fifteen

After half an hour, Harry and Martha finally walk back after a full-blown argument, they sit down looking at the floor, no one spoke for a few seconds so I knew I had to break the silence.

"I saved you some of the fruit cause Martha was saying how much you loved it" I smile holding up the pot of strawberries passing them to Harry, who smiles.

"Yes I do love fruit, thank you" he smiles taking them out my hands as Martha spoke up.

"How about we take a walk, I mean Savannah hasn't seen any of this beautiful place yet" she suggest smiling towards everyone but mostly me.

"Only if I can take my fruit," Harry says shoving a whole strawberry into his mouth, red juice oozing out his mouth.

We walk down a path that went right through a field, behind the field was huge hills, Martha was right this place is beautiful. Martha jumps over the fence, Harry following her into the field.