{2} "Is It Really You?!"

"So let me get this straight..." I said, taking a deep breath in. "You're saying the person who is the leader of this gang is called Jeon Jungwoo?"

"Yes." Kazuchika replied, adding emphasis to the 'yes' as though he was telling me something I already knew.

After about an hour of me questioning him, it was pretty dang evident I wasn't at home anymore, the highlight of it all was when I asked him about BT7, the boys we designed for and who were close friends to us, he thought it was a car model or something. When I explained to him who they were, he said he never heard of them.

Like ever.

"Do we at least still have a dog?" I asked, biting my bottom lip in thought, I needed to take a break from this madness.

"We do." he answered, unsurely eyeing me. "Koda! Come here boy!" He then called the dog, whom I was very happy to see.

He came running through the house at the sound of his name, wagging his fluffy black and white tail. I immediately went on my knees to pet the black and white, blue eyed, Siberian Husky.

I needed an excuse to get some fresh air to clear my head, Koda here was the perfect one.

"I'm going to go walk him." I informed.

"Do you need me to come with you? Because I'm not entirely sure that you're okay yet."

"No that's fine, just stay here, I'll be back soon." I said, before getting a leash for Koda.

When we were outside away from the house, I looked down at the dog who was returning my glance with his blue eyes that held a certain curiosity about them, his tongue hanging out. I smiled and rubbed his head gently, earning a playful nudge from him.

This whole situation seemed off, Okada was acting weird, the opposite of himself, his tall figure then came to my mind as I compared it to his current state; his caramel coloured skin, almond-shaped dark brown eyes, oval-shaped face, sharp jawline; usually smiling pink lips. He had no tattoos or piercings except for the two on his ears. But now he had many piercings, tattoos and gave me an authoritive vibe. He was still sweet, he didn't know who Lisa was and BT7 no longer seemed to exist or any other music group I knew.

I tried searching them up on the internet and nothing came up, not even their names which scared me, and the fact that Okada told me about someone called Jeon Jungwoo being a gang leader scared me even more because Jeon Jungwoo was the name of a member of BT7 and that meant that something was seriously wrong. There was so much for me to wrap my head around.

I was losing my mind. What world did I even wake up in? It's as if the people I know were the opposite of themselves. Did I perhaps travel back in time? No. That didn't make sense, it wouldn't be possible and even if I had that didn't explain why Kazuchika would be acting that way.

Before I even realized I was sitting on a bench at a park, still trapped in my thoughts, daydreaming, staring at the beautiful scenery ahead.

That's when my eyes slowly drifted to a man's tall figure in front of me, a few meters away, he was wearing a dress suit and his hair was a light brown, I think, I couldn't really tell as he wasn't facing me.

I looked away from him.

Why was I starting at him anyway?

The sound of a phone was then heard, as the man answered my head snapped up to him, as if I had just heard the most beautiful music.

'Is it really you?'

I stood up and neared him in a cautious but swift manner. I silently wanted him to turn around so that I didn't have to touch him.

Which he did almost as if he heard my plea.

"Namjun?" I asked. I wasn't even sure if it was him.

His eyes drifted down to me as he hung up with a: "I'll call you back later."

"Can I help you Ma'am?"

'Ma'am?' Like another bullet to the heart that title hit me; hard.

"You... you... you don't know who I am?" My voice began to crack on me, my eyes trembling as I looked at him.

"Am I supposed to?" he asked in his clueless voice, giving me his adorable but confused look.

"You did actually. I... we've know each other really well." I stepped closer so I could touch his cheek gently but he stepped away from me with an unidentified look in his beautiful brown eyes.

"I'm sorry Miss. I think you have me mixed up with someone else. I've never seen you before in my life." He took out his phone again dialing a number, putting the device to his ear.

"Namjun, I'm your girlfriend Min Sagwa, remember?" I asked, my discomfort rising.

"I think you're really confused, why don't you let me get you the help you need?" he suggested and I knew exactly what he was implying.

"You think I'm crazy, don't you?" Tears were daring to escape me, but I refused to cry.

"No, I just want to help you, I see people like you everyday, believe me when I say that I want to help." he defended, trying to convince me.

I heard Sirens soon after. "You called the cops? You really think I'm insane, don't you?" I emphasized, not because I was angry, just a little taken aback.

"You don't understand. I'm a psychologist, please don't misunderstand my intentions here." he assured, I guess he meant well, but I wasn't crazy I was just... lost.

"No... I think you're the one who doesn't understand." I closed my eyes, inhaling deeply before continuing, "I apologize, I probably did mix you up with someone else, forgive me, it's been a long day." It took everything I had in me to say those words firmly, with conviction, even though I didn't mean a word.

I needed to suck it up, I knew he wasn't going to remember me, but deep down I wished and hoped he would.

"Mr. Kim, what seems to be the problem here? I got your call." Another familiar voice announced from behind me.

Before answering he looked at me again. "I guess it was a misunderstanding Officer Park, I'm sorry to have dragged you away from any important business."

"Park Jinsoo?" I asked looking at him, yet another member of BT7. He looked kinda mature in the all black suit he was wearing. "Right, not Jinsoo —not the one I knew anyway— sorry." I apologized soon after he looked at me hearing his name, probably wondering how I knew it.

"Hey, I know you..." he began, after he looked me up and down for a minute.

"You do?" I asked trying to hide my excitement.

'Finally a string of hope.' I thought until he told me where he knew me from.

"You're that gangster's girlfriend. I've seen you two together quite often, he's someone we can never seem to arrest or prove guilty for all the murders you both commit." That string quickly broke and was trampled all over. His words were said through gritted teeth as he looked at me with disgust on his beautiful features. Which I found really frightening, since I've never seen Jinsoo angry or mad once. Especially towards me.

It hurt a lot that he saw me that way, my grip tightened around Koda's leash as the thought sunk in. A deep growl erupted from Koda as he barked at them, displaying his pearly white teeth after sensing my mood change. "Shh, Koda, it's okay." I patted his head lovingly and he obeyed.

"First of all, I'm not his girlfriend. I'm just his friend, secondly, I'm not a murderer, I would never hurt anyone and neither would Kazuchika." I defended turning my attention back to Jinsoo. I knew the Kazuchika I knew was different from the person he was referring to but from what I observed he didn't seem like a murderer.

"Yeah, that's what they all say." he spat bitterly.

I was about to argue with him but I didn't, why bother? No matter what I said, he'd never believe me, he'd just continue to see me as some criminal. It wasn't his fault though.

Namjun observed me, his eyes silently judging me. Of course he believed Jinsoo's every word, why would he ever believe me; a stranger to him.

I just decided to bow to them both respectively, before leaving, taking Koda, pulling him along with me.

Walking away from them all I could think about was how much it made my heart ache to have the person I loved, the people I once knew not know who I was, for them to look at me the way Jinsoo and Namjun did. It was the most painful feeling, that ping in my heart that caused me great pain. I was certain my heart was slowly breaking to pieces, my hand gripped my chest as the agonizing pain grew.

I was so observed in my thoughts I just kept walking aimlessly. I hadn't realized that I walked straight into the pathway of a speeding car, not even when Koda was trying to pull back on his leash in hopes to warn me, I didn't stop I was too distracted.

But when a voice screamed, "Hey! What are you doing?! Look out!" only then was I brought back to reality, looking up seeing the vehicle, knowing that if I moved it wouldn't have made a difference, it was too late, I just closed my eyes and waited for impact, but it never came, instead, a strong arm pulled me out of the road, soon after I met a hard chest, watching as the car flew past me, leaving a gush of wind behind that blew my long black hair into my face.

"Are you okay?! You really are crazy, aren't you?! What kind of a human being walks into the road like that?! Are you trying to get yourself killed?!" Namjun questioned, as he held onto my shoulders shaking me in the process.

My mouth opened, but nothing came out. I just blinked looking at him. "Answer me! Do you want to die?!" he shouted, still shaking me, I wanted to tell him how I felt, that maybe I did want to die, maybe I wanted to just disappear. Why go on living if my life was upside down. Why? Just so I could further be accused of crimes I didn't commit? Why? So he could only see me as a murderer?

Tears I held in began to flow out, streaming down my face as I whimpered silently.

"W... w...w... why did you save me? You should have just let me die!" I choked out, looking away from him.

"Don't say that. Stop crying, is it because I yelled at you? I'm really sorry, I don't usually raise my voice, I— I just— you almost died right in front of me." he apologized.

I'm not really one to cry often, but within the last few hours it seemed to be the only thing I've been doing.

"Why are you here anyway?" I asked after I wiped away my tears, adjusting my bag strap on my shoulders, when he released me.

"Don't take this the wrong way... but I was observing you."

"You were observing me?" I asked raising my eyebrow, eyeing him.

"Like I said before, I'm a psychologist, after Jinsoo accused you of being a murderer, you seemed deeply scared, even before he arrived and it was just us, you were disoriented, so when you left I followed you to see if my thoughts were correct." he explained making me want to know what he was trying to say.

"What thoughts?" I further asked.

"That maybe you were going through a lot of difficult things in your life, maybe you would want to... end it all." he implied.

"I'm not suicidal!" I strongly denied his accusation.

"Not from where I'm standing, which so happens to be on a sidewalk where I just stopped you from committing suicide, by car, so you'll have to try harder than that and may I recall you saying and I quote: 'Why did you save me? You should have just let me die.' so try again." He did have a valid point though, when put like that it did sound like I wanted to die.

"I know what I said but it wasn't what it looked like, my emotions got the best of me." I waved both my hands in front of me as I spoke.

"What happened that made you hurt so badly it made you want to die?" he folded his arms.

"For the last time, I'm not suicidal nor am I crazy." I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm serious, explain to me what happened to you." he kept nagging, trying to get the truth out of me.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I mumbled looking away.

"What did you say your name was?"

"Sagwa. Min Sag Wa."

"Well then Miss Sagwa, I'm sure whatever you say can't be crazier than the stories I've heard. I am a psychologist after all." he said, giving me his heart throbbing dimple smile.
