{4} "Purple Scented?!"

"Maybe it was just some random wish on a star that no one heard or could care to hear; to her it was more than just some random wish, it was her deepest desire, what she wanted more than anything." —Icychica_


Later that night, Soo-ah came to pick Sun-woo up and they left after she hugged me tightly. I asked if she was going to the function tonight which she replied, "Of course." You could easily notice the huge change in her personality, instead of shy and timid she was more free spirited, though the change was new it did look good on her.

"What am I even supposed to wear?" I sighed looking through my closet in annoyance, the irony: a fashion designer that can't decide what to wear.

I never really liked to over dress, but I didn't mind it either, it never hurt to go all out every now and then, so I choose a black top with floral lace and long sleeves; a long gold skirt that was a shiny satin, with a split that exposed some of my thigh.

I needed to shower before I got dressed so I took my clothes off, emptying my pockets placing the artifact into a drawer before grabbing a towel and going into the shower.

I turned the knob, letting the warm water run onto my skin, removing the sweat and grime from my body as I rubbed soap all over. Washing my hair with a: 'Purple Scented Shampoo.' as it read on the bottle. The smell was like lavender, it was a nice sweet smell.

'Really? Purple scented? What does that even mean?'

When I was finished I turned the water off and wrapped the towel around myself, and got out of the shower. My hair was dripping wet, heavy with water, so I opened a drawer and wrapped another towel around my hair, until I was ready to blow dry it.

I dried off, got dressed and did my make up, then my hair, deciding to straighten it, as for my shoes I went with black stiletto heels, with hints of gold in them, finally putting my jewelry on.

I gave myself one last look over in the mirror as I headed down stairs to find Kazuchika already dressed in a tuxedo.

He whistled watching me come down the stairs, holding his hand out to me when I reached the last step.

"I was starting to think that I'd have to hire someone to help you get ready again, but you look... gorgeous." he finished, I could tell he paused to choose his last word carefully, not wanting to get smacked again which made me smile, he was trying to listen to me.

"Thanks, you look handsome." I stated sweetly, pulling on his cheek like he was a child.

"What? No kiss?" he asked me, inching closer bending over a bit so he was eye level with me.

"Sure, I guess you deserve a kiss." I said reaching up, kissing him on the cheek, smiling mischievously because I knew that's not what he meant.

"Really?!" he complained looking at me in confusion.

I chuckled lightly at his reaction, then I started at him, my face I'm sure looked serious as I fidgeted with my skirt and bit my bottom lip. I had made up my mind to break up with him, if I didn't things between us would only become more difficult and I didn't want to damage our relationship by pretending I loved him like that, he'd only be unhappy especially sense he was very affectionate, wanting to kiss me and do... other things, things that I couldn't do with him, so this was the best out come but it still pained me to have to say this to him.

He probably noticed something was wrong with me because he suddenly cupped my cheek, rubbing it lovingly with his thumb as he asked, "Babe, is something wrong?"

I took a deep breath in and out, bracing myself. "Kazuchika, there's something I have to tell you..." I began, "I'm not actually your girlfriend."

"What are you saying? Of course you are, is this because I messed around a lot? I mean, I did in the past but I haven't with you, because I love you and I'm serious about us." he said holding both my hands.

"What I'm trying to say is... I'm breaking up with you and it's not because I don't love you. I really do but differently from the way you love me. You're my best-friend, you went through a lot with me, but I'll never see you that way and maybe one day you'll understand why." I explained to him gently, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

He released both my hands slowly, as my words sunk in; his face changed from disbelief to confusion. "I don't understand... did I... do something wrong?" he asked pointing to himself, maintaining eye contact with me.

"That's not it, I just—"

"Then what?! Why are you doing this all of a sudden?! Give me a reason so I can understand! Tell me!" he suddenly shouted in a thundering voice, his breathing increasing as he lost his temper.

His voice was so loud, it startled me, I took a step back subconsciously; opening my mouth to reply to him but no words came out, maybe it was because I wasn't use to hearing him yell, especially at me, maybe that was why my heart wouldn't stop beating quickly or why I couldn't stop shaking.

He noticed my condition and quickly apologized to me, "Sagwa, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you, I'm not mad at you. I'm sorry, if this is what you want then... I'll be fine." he said pulling me into a hug resting his chin on my head and securing his hands in the middle of my back as he pulled me closer, running a hand through my hair to help me calm down.

"I'm okay, you just surprised me, that's all, you have every right to be mad at me." I replied holding my head up as I finally returned to my normal state.

There was then a brief knock on the door making both of us pull away from each other, Kazuchika then went to answer it.

"The driver is here. Are you ready to go?"

"I am." I replied grabbing my purse, as I followed him out the door.

When outside he opened the car door for me allowing me to get inside first. "Thanks." I told him with a slight smile after he too got inside.

"That's okay." he said as we departed.

It was a nice long ride, it gave me a chance to relax and enjoy the night scenery as I looked out the window at the beautiful buildings and the lights that lit up our path; the interior of the car was also nice, it was very spacious, the lights were purple and the doors were wooden and had a polished finish that gave it a shine; the seats were leather meaning the car itself was very expensive.

Kazuchika didn't speak to me, he didn't even look in my direction, he kept to his side looking out the window occasionally fiddling with his phone.

I honestly hoped he was really okay, he had every right to get upset and yell at me, I deserved it after all, I would get upset too if the person I loved just suddenly broke up with me for no reason.

I suddenly remembered how Namjun had done the same thing to me earlier. I was now doing the same thing I had hated and been so mad at him for doing and right now it made me wonder if what he did was really out of love for me. And if this was how he had felt. Pained, sad and sorry.

I hoped the Kazuchika could bring himself to do what I had refused to with Namjun: Forgive me.

What then came to my mind aroused more confusion. Didn't Kazuchika tell me I was acting differently? What did he mean by that? I'm guessing my personality was different here, along with the things that I liked, when I first went home he told me I had went to settle a deal with someone named Jeon Jungwoo.

It seemed as though everyone here that I knew has a doppelganger, so then... where did mine go? Did I perhaps switch places with that me or did she disappear? If I leave here will everything reset and will that me return? And more importantly where did Lisa go? I still hadn't found her and that worried me but even if I did find her, there's no guarantee that she'll know who I am, it will probably be a different Lisa.

At least I knew that now.

The random questions I asked myself were going to destroy me one day, it was one of my greatest problems. I always over think everything, then it ended with me freaking out and panicking.

We arrived at an all to familiar location, it was where my fashion company use to be but in it's place was a new building, the so called restaurant, it was a modernized building more like a tower when you looked at it. It stood out from those surrounding it, the architecture was magnificent.

The driver then got out after bringing the car to a halt, opening my door as Kazuchika helped me out, draping my coat over my shoulders. It was just as Okada said, cameras where flashing in our faces immediately after we got out of the car and made our way up the stairs, I was use to this sort of thing by now, but I couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable at these events.

Kazuchika walked beside me, making sure not to touch me as we entered the hall, I interlaced my arm with his with a smile surprising him.

"You can still touch me you know." I stated as he unsurely smiled back.

"I wasn't sure you'd want me to." he said as he ushered me through the crowed main hall.

The inside of the building was breath taking, the hall had a nicely marbled floor that held a beautiful pattern; tall, white and gold at the pillars tips; the ceiling itself was a work of art it had a sort of circular outline that gave it a Victorian look, equipped with chandeliers that set the entire look off quiet nicely.

Whoever designed the building had great and unique taste.

There were people in little groups all around, conversing with each other as we walked by, clothed in elegant outfits, though some of the women wore really short dresses, that they occasionally had to pull down. As for the men they were nicely clothed in their luxurious tuxedos, some with and without ties. I could tell these men were important, it was the aura around them, the sense of authority they all held. They had to be Mobsters and Gangsters alike, probably even some rich business men in the mix.

Kazuchika walked with me to a table. "Have a seat and wait here, I'll be back."

"You're ditching me right now? We just got here." I complained, raising a quizzical eyebrow.

"I have to go deal with a couple things, don't worry, I'm not leaving the building." he tried to reassure me as I sat down.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh okay." I exhaled placing my chin in my palm, crossing my legs in a lady-like manner.

And just like that he waltzed off leaving me to fend for myself, in a sea full of people I didn't know.

A waiter came and offered me some champagne, I took the glass off the platter thanking him to which he looked surprised for a split second before bowing and going elsewhere.

I sipped the liquid feeling sparks on my tongue as I did so. I wasn't much of a drinker either, I mean, I'd take sips but as far as getting drunk I've never done before.

"So, I see you enjoyed my care package." A deep male voice announced behind me.

Me being as curious as I was turned around so I could face them.

And there he was, giving me his signature box smile, the one, the only: Kim Tan.

I was absolutely delighted to see another member of BT7. So delighted in fact, that I had to stop myself from hugging him out of excitement.

He was wearing a sort of red velvet tux, his hair dyed silver; his eyes had blue contact lenses and one of his earrings was long, the other was a diamond stud, in short this man looked like a freaking model.

"So, tell me baby, which one was your favorite?" He made himself comfortable in a seat next to me. His 'baby' unlike Kazuchika's 'babe' wasn't meant in a romantic way, but was almost a pet-name friendly type thing, so I didn't mind it.

"Can you... explain to me what you're referring to?" I asked, he then laughed adorably at my request.

"I sent you a lovely decorated basket with my most popular products to try and you said if you liked them you'd purchase them. I can smell my all too famous 'Purple Scented Shampoo' on you." he replied with enthusiasm, his smile never leaving his face.

"Wait, so that shampoo was from you?" I asked processing the new information.

I guess that answered my earlier question and I wasn't even surprised he named it that, it's so Kim Tan, he had this obsession with the colour purple and apparently he still had it.

"Yeah, I did actually enjoy your products. Your sense of smell is really amazing." I complimented him.

"Thank you, I wouldn't be one of the top Perfumers in the country without it." he replied also informing me of his occupation, which I didn't see coming.

"So, how are you? I haven't seen you in a while?"

"Me? I'm okay." I told him smiling brightly.

"That's great." he answered before looking around like he was searching for something. "Where's your significant other? I haven't seen him all night." He sent me a wink when he said significant other.

"To be honest, I have no idea, he just left me." I replied, not wanting to get into the whole 'he's not my boyfriend' thing.

"Hmm, that's strange. He must have heard then." he stated thoughtfully.

"I'm sorry, heard what?" I asked as he took a mouth full of food that I hadn't even noticed was there, fulling his cheeks as he chewed. I watched him in amazement as he continued to push more food into his mouth, looking like a chipmunk as he did so.

'Just how much food can this boy fit in there?!' I thought, my eyes unable to leave his mouth.

"Well apparently word on the street is, someone has been "dipping in the til" if you know what I mean." he said waving the fork around at me, as he let me in on the gossip.

"What? Like someone has been stealing from them?" I asked watching him swallow.

"Yes and I've heard it's more serious than just stealing from the restaurant, they've been..." he looked around before whispering in my ear, "...stealing from the gang itself."

"How do you know all of this?"

He giggled. "Let's just say my nose isn't the only thing that works well around here," he implied with a smirk. "That's just my speculation, but things have been going missing, like at first it was just expensive wines and caviar from the storage, but then things like weapon shipments went missing, which led me to believe that someone stole them, but that's just what I think." I nodded, listening closely as he spoke.

Tan seemed to know everything about anything.

He then looked at the rest of my champagne then looked at me, getting the message I pushed the glass towards him. He smiled sweetly before drinking the rest in one gulp.

"As usual it's always a pleasure to see you, you look great by the way." He then stood, pulling me up with him as he hugged me tightly, as much as I was enjoying the kind gesture, he was practically squeezing the life out of me.

'Was he always this strong?'

"Umpff, Tan yo squishishsj me." I spoke, my sentence muffled because I was against his chest -almost suffocating.

He pulled me away from him, giving me an apologetic smile before waving and walking away from me.

I sat back down watching him walk away shaking my head.

He was something else, at least he was still the same in some areas.
