{13} "Love Is Not Over." (Pt.1)

"In life, if something bad happens love can easily disappear, but true love never fades and survives through all obstacles and fear felt in that moment. Love never fails." —Icychica_

As morning came I slowly opened my eyes as the light shown through my window, I turned on my side to find that Soo-ah was no longer beside me, so I made my way downstairs to look for her.

"You're finally awake." I heard Kazuchika's voice greet to my surprise.

"Yes. I'm surprised you're here." I replied raising my eyebrow at him.

"I live here, don't I?" he asked, copying my raised eyebrow.

"You know that's not what I meant." I replied taking a seat at the counter.

"I know, I'm just messing with you." He giggled as he served me breakfast and I thanked him.

"Where is everyone?" I asked referring to Soo-ah and Gokk do.

"Soo-ah's in the shower and Gokk do isn't here at the moment." he answered as I took a mouthful of food.

"Oh, did he tell you anything?" I asked unsure at first if he knew because of how calm he was.

"He did." Was his short calm reply.

"And?" I asked expecting a different reaction.

"And what?" He looked up, puzzled.

"You're not gonna interrogate or scold me?"

"Nope, I heard Gokk do already did, so I don't see why I should, you learnt your lesson and you promised not to do it again so I think you got the point." He looked at me for confirmation.

"It was an eye opening experience that's for sure." I admitted.

"I'm surprised you're taking it so well, I expected you to be a little bit more shaken actually."

"I was scared at first, but I got this weird thrilling rush from the situation, maybe it was because I almost died."

"I'll make sure the So's don't pull a ridiculous stunt like that again, so rest assured." He smiled.

"I'm sure you will, just don't do anything rash, okay?" I looked up at him with weary eyes.

"I won't, I promise."

Just then Soo-ah entered the room, delighted to see me she smiled and I smiled back. "Morning Sagwa."

"Good morning."

She then looked at Okada. "I think I should leave now, I need to go relieve my brother before he goes to work, he's waiting for me."

"I'll give you a ride since Gokk do isn't here." he volunteered and she nodded.

She then came over and hugged me and I returned the gesture, holding her tightly. "I'll see you later Sagwa."

"Bye Soo-ah, give that trouble-maker a kiss for me." I smiled as waved watching her leave.

"I'll be back." Kazuchika said as he followed behind her.

And just like that, I was alone again, not that I minded though. I've noticed that Soo-ah treated me like I was her younger sister, she is always looking out for my best interest which I appreciate but I don't want her getting hurt, her or anyone really, now that I have a better understanding of the situation I'm in. I'll do everything in my power to help them no matter how dangerous it was.

Come to think of it, she really did remind me of Lisa and I didn't intend to make the same mistake twice.

I suddenly heard the ringing of my phone, I picked it up and answered without really seeing who it was.


"Hey Sagwa." Namjun's voice responded.

"Oh it's you Namjun, what's up?" I asked smiling happy to hear from him.

"I just... I heard that there was an incident between two gangs last night at a club and I was wondering... if you were somehow involved?" His question caught me off guard.

How did he even find out about that so quickly?

"I may have been... what exactly did you hear?"

"Not much, just that it involved three women and a lot of men, so I just thought... are you okay? You didn't get hurt did you?" he asked, worry evident in his voice and I felt my heart rate pick up thinking that he was worried about me.

"I'm fine, although we did get into a fight but luckily Gokk do arrived before things got worse."

"Okay, wait, wait, wait, you're gonna have to tell me everything in detail before I start jumping to conclusions."

"Well last night Soo-ah took me out and..." I started, explaining everything that took place last night just like he asked not missing a single thing.

"So you and Soo-ah fought a bunch of gangsters all by yourself and almost died all in one night." Namjun concluded almost like he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Yeah... but we are fine." I reassured him.

"Maybe physically, but how are you emotionally and mentally. I can't imagine what something like that could've done to you, I... I can't help but feel like I could've done something to stop you from going through that." His words made my eyes widen, at him suddenly blaming himself.

'What could he have possibly done, he wasn't even there, it's completely unrelated to him and yet he blames himself? Why do I feel like there's something I'm missing here?'

"Namjun," I paused thinking of a way to comfort him. "There was no way you could've prevented what happened, you couldn't have known, so you have absolutely no reason to feel that way, we're both alive and well, as for my metal health, I was shaken a bit but it didn't really have an effect on me, I'll be more careful going forward."

"I guess you're right, but Sagwa, I don't know why but it feels like you're being punished by this Curse instead of it helping you, maybe there's more to this Curse than we know, something that the Curse is keeping from you." Namjun said, causing me to think briefly.

"It told us itself why this is happening to me, why would it lie or leave things out? Do you think it's trying to deceive me?"

"I don't know, I'm not saying that it did, but still, wouldn't it make sense to be cautious just in case." he suggested and I did think it wouldn't hurt but wouldn't that be difficult with this thing literally attached to my wrist.

"I'll try to be, I promise, maybe we can ask Hanseok if he can dig up something more on this Curse." I suggested to put his mind at peace.

"Definitely, by the way what's your next move?"

"I've given that a lot of thought and I decided it was time for me to finally make up with my parents."

"Do you know where they are?" he asked making me pause. I hadn't even thought about that, what if they weren't even here in South Korea.

"I'll have to search for them, it's possible that they don't live here, they could be overseas like back home, who knows, I'll have to find them no matter what." I replied with determination.

"I'll be sure to do everything I can to assist you." he commented as helpful as all ways.

"Thanks Namjun." I replied with a smile.

'What would've happened to me if you weren't around to help me like this, because of you everything became so much easier.' I wanted to those words to him but knew if I had it would have made him uncomfortable.

It had been a while since he called and the hours had flown by without either of us noticing. "What are you doing right now anyway?" I asked moving to the living room sitting on the couch.

"I'm at work, organizing some files." I subconsciously imagined him sitting at a desk in a suit going through some files while still managing to stay on the phone with me, I saw him hard at work, his eyes focused, his face relaxed, his beautiful sharp jawline just begging to be kissed.

I became flustered just thinking about him. I shook those thoughts out of my head, scolding myself for thinking about him in such a manner.

"In that case, I should hang up, I don't want to be a distraction." I said being considerate, not wanting to keep him from working further.

"Too late, you already are a distraction, but in a good way, listening to your voice is relaxing." he whispered the last part in an especially low husky voice causing my heart to immediately skip a beat.

I swear even he could hear how loudly it thumped, I struggled to keep my breathing steady after processing his flirtatious words.

'What is he trying to do, kill me? I'm literally about to have a heart attack, good lord.' I thought as my heart calmed after a few breaths, he caught me off guard with that one.

"Sagwa, you still there?" he asked noticing a long pause from my end.

"Yeah, I'm still here, I'm glad you find my voice relaxing but I gotta go."

"Okay then, I'll talk to you later."

I then sighed thinking about how I was going to go about finding my parents, but first, I checked my phone just in case I saw their numbers, as I scrolled through my contacts I found nothing, not even a trace of existence.

"As expected, nothing, looks like I got some digging to do." I muttered to myself, I then heard a car outside indicating Kazuchika had returned, which was perfect, I could ask him if he knew anything about my parents and their whereabouts.

"I'm back!" he announced when he entered the house finding me and Koda both cooped up on the couch.

"Hey." I greeted as he came and sat next to me.

"So what did you get up to while I was gone?"

"Nothing, nothing at all... so what took you so long to get back here?"

"One word, Sun-woo." he replied pinching his forehead.

"What do you mean?"

"The kid wouldn't let me leave, every time I tried to go he attacked my leg and wouldn't get off, if it wasn't for Soo-ah I wouldn't be here right now." he explained and I started to laugh thinking about it.

"He really does love beating you up," I giggled. "By the way I have something to ask." I said changing the subject.


"Do you know where my parents are?" I asked and he looked at me surprised.

"Why are you suddenly asking about them?"

"I miss them, and I think I own them an apology." I responded earning another surprised look from him.

"You wanna apologize to them?" he asked and I nodded. "I thought after the argument you had with them things would've been over for good, something really is different about you, that's for sure."

"They are my parents after all, I can't not talk to them forever, so do you know where they are?"

"I actually have no idea, I know they moved a while back, but no one can hide from me so don't worry I'll see what information I can find for you."

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Sagwa, tonight my father wants to have dinner with us."

"That's nice, I'll be sure to dress appropriately." It had been a long time since I saw his father, so this was good news to me, but his face on the other hand looked at me with worry. "Is something wrong?"

"No. Everything's fine." he said standing to his feet and walking away causing me to shrug my shoulders, brushing off his strange reaction.
