"Only those who are awake can notice the change." —Icychica_
I should've reminded myself that the Kazuchika I knew and the one here were completely different, in any case this one was very short tempered.
It was so obvious he would react this way, why hadn't I known that?
'Because I'm an idiot, that's why.'
They were so focused on glaring at each other that no one had noticed my arrival.
Most of all, I found myself wondering: 'What on earth is Namjun doing here?'
"You crazy bastard! I knew you had something to do with this! Even after everything I've done for you... I wanted to join our gangs together. Out of all the gangs I chose yours, and this? This is how you repay me?!" Kazuchika yelled at him, his words dripping with fury.
"I wouldn't have done this if she had kept her promise!" Jungwoo replied, not even flinching in response to the gun being pointed at him.
His words only seemed to anger Kazuchika and in turn he was about to pull the trigger again.