{47} "A Reason To Murder." (Pt.4)

"There are no coincidences here, no encounter is random. Everything happens for a reason and will slowly fall into place as the puzzle, the big picture is being completed." —Icychica_

She smiled. "I'm Jeon Minsoon. But you can continue to call me mother if you want. Hearing it from a handsome young man of your age... warms my heart and makes me happy."

Myunghee snickered beside me and I gave her a look. "I appreciate the offer but... Mrs. Jeon is fine with me, thanks."

"Yah! Detectives!" We looked up to see Cha Ryuhyuk running towards us at top speed, when he reached us he was out of breath. "I'm sorry to... interrupt but... we have a... problem." he huffed and puffed, the next thing I expected him to do was blow a house down.

"What is it?" Myunghee asked folding her arms.

He reached into his pocket and took out his phone. "Look at this." I let Hoon down and inched closer, looking at the screen in his hands as he played a video.