The mist slowly cleared, fully revealing the mystical beast with it's beautiful white fur and black stripes; icy blue eyes that pierced the deepest depts of my soul with it's sharp gaze. The creature who was twice my size approached, her eyes fixated on me passing a speechless Namjun on it's way.
If the bridge was just a bit narrow it wouldn't have been able to accommodate the tiger's intimidatingly large size. I knew immediately that this was not the size of a regular tiger.
As it stalked towards me my mind was blank, I didn't dare move an inch or even take in more air than I needed.
When she finally reached me I instinctively took a step back, though I wasn't afraid. Let's be honest, being met by such a being, towering above you, giving off such a powerful aurora, would make anyone feel like shrinking.
Afraid that I'd given her the wrong idea I stepped closer and brought my head up to look into her marble, ocean like eyes; my tiny reflection clearly visible in them.