Standing in front of the door she knocked and said politely, "Dr.Cho, a detective is here to speak to you."
"You may enter, Nurse Chan." he responded.
I entered alone and Dr. Cho was already on his feet directing me to take a seat. "You can ask me anything, I'm happy to help."
'Huh. He's younger than I expected.' I thought as I observed his movements. 'And he's relatively handsome too, no wonder he's easily liked by the nurses.'
In the medical field it was rare to find someone like him, it was rare but not impossible, in most cases the head surgeons or head doctor would often act stuck up and treated their staff horribly because they knew that the hospital wouldn't fire them no matter how they behaved, no hospital would fire their cash-cows. As long as they got the job done and brought in money nothing else mattered. So seeing him was something.