A Gentling

I set a trap that afternoon and managed to catch a small rabbit. Triumphant as I skinned it with my little eating knife. I tried to build a fire but wasn't doing a good job.

Frustrated I grunted and fell back onto the leaves. The temperature was just right. And the leaves were soft under my back. And I was exhausted. I closed my eyes, for only a moment.

"I want you." His low rumbling voice made me shiver as I peeled an eye open.

He was crouched next to me. His forearms resting on his knees and hands casually linked as he stared down at me with a cocked head.

"You barely just left! How are you back already?" Irritation made my words bite.

No way I'd let him have me again.

"You don't understand, Zira. I will feel you again. I have to." He made a clenched gesture toward his chest. "It's this drive that controls me. I'm going to have to bury my cock in you."
