Who He Was

Something cracked closer behind us and Van twisted. His gaze flicking to gold as he assessed the trees. Looking for someone out there.

His tension made me nervous. I pulled my cloak tighter around me and the hood low over my face so I could appear as a small man or a large child if someone came upon us.

But no one should be wandering these woods when it's this dark.

It was far too dangerous with the fey of the Warwood running rampant at night. Only kept at bay by a warm fire.

Everyone knows that.

"Who were you, Van?" I asked as he turned back.

"I was a brother."

I frowned at him in confusion.

He was staring at the dancing firelight as if he were somewhere else. He grabbed a log from next to him and tossed it in. Feeding the licking orange and red flames and making them bloom more brightly.

Did he think fey were hunting us tonight?

For whatever reason, I calmed when he did as the fire grew. I was less afraid with him next to me then I would've been were I alone.