My Answer


Van sat bolt upright. His fingers dropping from my chin so he could sweep my hands up off my knees. He tilted his head to point an ear at me. "Say it again."

"Yes, Van." I whispered breathlessly.

"Yes, what, My Zira?"

He badly wants to hear me say the words. Though I was beyond reluctant to say all of it I could see the raw need on his face. Some deep desperation. A tiny flicker of hope sending gold lights into the darkness of his nearly-black eyes.

"Yes, Van. I'd like you to make love to me."

Like? Why'd I say that rather than just consent?

Why did I want to entrust my body into the hands of this demon?

That was the thing. To me he was no longer just a demon. Yes, I was haunted by the thing that had shredded my body. Caused me unending suffering and utterly destroyed my spirit that night.