Pierced in the Heart

I hated what he'd said to me. Hated that he thought one day he'd turn on me again. That he believed one word could change how he was to me. His name.

Eventually we were far enough into the woods that Van stopped. He turned a slow circle and gave a satisfied nod. "Here will do."

I held my hand out for the bow.

He grinned and I was shocked at the way the smile changed his whole face. Making the corner of his eyes crinkle and dimples dip into his slim cheeks. Making everything about him seem easier.

More friendly.

Why didn't I see it before?

The answer came immediately. Because I was afraid of him.

Because I didn't understand.

But I felt like now I'd seen all the different faucets of who he was. Saw that he was changing into something, someone, quite different then the creature I'd first met.

The incubus who was nearly invisible whilst he hunted me.

I registered he was staring at me patiently. Holding the bow motionlessly.

"Are you done?"