First meeting

"I'm home! Hmm it smells good"

"Cel your home"

"Why did you expect me to die, you'd wish moron"

"Haha, sadly....well there is nothing I can do now is there"

"You could always kill me"

"As if I had nothing else to do than unnecessarily kill you and take all the responsibility for myself and the other 2 idiots, do you know how hard it is to take care of those morons?"

"Yes. Yes I do I did in fact take care not of 2 but 3 morons and that's ever since they came out of an egg, no actually even before you got out of your egg, so you welcome you are now breathing and having this conversation with me right now because of me"

"Hey why would you put me in the same pot as the others, I'm not a moron"

"Now give me food moron I'm starving"

and they started walking to the kitchen

"Sis your back" (Kai)

"What took you so long?" (Azar)

"I missed you too guys, you really couldn't survive a day without me"

"Now give me that pizza I'm starving"

they all giggle and eat together


On the Villas ruff top

"I know your watching come out I'm going to participate in that war "

than the same beautiful woman from 15 years ago appeared in front of Celea

" How come your translucent this time are you afraid I may hurt you"

" Haha...that's not it my child, I can't come out of my realm expect in that form"

"Is that so...why would that be?"

"Well... that's the price to pay for being born as a goddess. I cant personally come down to earth"

"Wow so you live in the moon realm all alone, that must suck"

"haha yes it sucks having the responsibility of a goddess"

"Now you're just barging about being a goddess in front of me aren't you?

"maybe just a little"

"You sneaky goddess"

"You know why I called you here don't you?" the atmosphere became serious

"Yes I know what made you change your mind?"

"Don't you think you're a little to sneaky for a goddess?"

"Who me ? never"

*Sight* "you already know why I'm going to join this war"

"Yeah I really care about your dragons don't you ?"

*smiles softly* "Yes, yes I do"

"I'm glad you allowed yourself to love again"


What the f*ck does she mean I have to go to the mystical realm and join my so called `mate´ the same coward who send someone to kill a 3 years old little girl



I turn around to find Draco

"Draco what's wrong why aren't you sleeping?"

"I could ask you the same thing"

"I just had something on my mind"

"me too"

"come here" I made a gesture for him to come to the balcony with me

"Sit here with me" they than covered themselves with a blanket and stared at the dark sky full of stars and a big beautiful moon shining above the forest that was near their villa

Draco then put his head on her shoulder and murmured

"Sister.....are you living?"

at his question Celea didn't know what to say

"What do you mean sister is living?" Akin and Kai than came to the balcony as well and sat next to her, kai sat on her lap and Azar on her right also putting his head on her shoulder and covered themselves with the same blanket

"Kai you got a whole couch but still decided to sit on my lap?"

"You devil how can you talk like that to your little brother" (Kai)

they all laughed, than Kai also put his head on Celeas chest, they sat in silence for sometime than Cecilia said

"I'm gonna have to live for sometime"

"for how long?" (Kai)

"I don't know, it could be months maybe years"

"But where are you going?"

indeed where am I going *sight*

"To my mate I guess....."


"Looks like my three little idiots fall asleep, I'm sorry kids I don't really have a choice. I have to live you in order to protect you *sight* "


*At the lycan Castel*



"Who dares attack the lycan castle?" ( subordinate)

"Who is it?"

"King we don't know who he is he has a black mask on his face and black cape"

*BOOM* *far screams*

"Lets go before this maniac destroys the whole castle "

The king felt more anxious the more he was approaching the place where the attacker was. *What is this?* is what the king was thinking



" And you call yourselves warriors? there are hundreds of you but you cant even get close to me "

" Shut up you devil"

"I seem to hear this word quite often this time around "

Celea then turned him upside down with her telekinesis

" Oh shut your mouth you pathetic excuse of a warrior"

"Where is your king?"

"right here"

Celea turned around where the king was standing

" It was about time you finally got here, I thought you'd hide somewhere and let your men deal with it"

*frowns* "what king of coward do you think I am?" he shouted

" I don't know, you tell me, what would you call someone who sends his subordinate to kill a 3 years old little girl and her parents?"

King POV

everything destroyed, half of my castle....just who is that?

he then heard a voice

"Where is your king?"

that voice made his already messed up fillings even more messy, a woman....could she....

"right here" he used his alpha voice

black all I could see was black that mask didn't even have holes for the eyes to see....

She had a cape and a hood that covered her hair and a sword hanging on the side of her hip.

She didn't even put out her sword yet made this....she destroyed half my castle just who is she?

" It was about time you finally got here, I thought you'd hide somewhere and let your men deal with it"

WHAT, does this intruder take me for

"What kind of coward do you think I am?"

" I don't know, you tell me, what would you call someone who sends his subordinate to kill a 3 years old little girl and her parents?"

No could that woman died 15 years ago she must be some kind of relative, she was also supposed to be weak and frail just like her kind, could this intruder be the one who sent Jack on fire back to me?