
" The mountain ? "

" But how did it happen? "

" That's what I want you to find out "

" Very well, then I'll be on my way "

" Celea take Romeo and Sebastian with you "

" I understand why you would want me to take Romeo but don't you need Sebastian here ? "

" It's alright "

" You know sometimes it's hard to understand you but I'll do what you said "

" Thank you "

In the Dukes study room there was the Paşa and his daughter discussing, turns out the mountain, Celea has been trained on has been attacked

" Do you know if there are any survivors? "

" There is one, that's how we found out about it "

" Who ? "

" It's the old man's nephew "

" I see, the last time I had seen him was when he was ten "

" Did he say something about any injury "

" No he did not mention any injury "

" Then I should be on my way he may be injured but is acting though "

" Take care "

" You too father "


" This is a massacre "