Aeris was not happy to be shaken awake in the middle of the night. After seeing Caleo’s body, she hadn’t been able to sleep. Nightmares of a dragon corpse standing over her, dead yellow eyes bulging and judging her. The only good thing to come from that horrific incident was that Master Aaron said they would attend no more scaled banquets.
The person shaking her awake was Maggie, but it didn’t make her feel any better. With a soft groan, she faced the smiling woman. “What is it?”
“Sorry to wake you up so late, but it’s about that friend of mine. I finally received word! The man I told you about, we’ve finally agreed on a meeting location. He wants us there tonight.”
Aeris forgot her exhaustion and sat up. “Really?”
“Yes, it is a bit far, so I’m afraid you’ll have to carry me or else we’ll be all night. Don’t bother with the harness, we’ll just go without.”