He tugged my clothes open. His callused hands framing my breasts and working down to trace my narrow waist and flaring hips. His thumbs running over my flat hip bones. Tracing every curve like a starving man in search of a meal.
"There you are." He eyed the curve of my lower lips. Revealed by my open thighs. "You look like a feast."
As if he can read my thoughts.
"First we'll see if you know how to please a man.” His brown eyes lifted to give me a long look. “Do it well and I'll give you coin when we dock."
For a moment I thought his gaze flared to bright gold just before it fell back on my body. Now bared to his roving hands.
I pulled at the ropes binding me. Kicking and pulling. Hoping something was loose enough I could unravel it or persuade it to unknot.
“You won’t get that undone.” He remarked. Pointing a finger to one of the bindings on my wrist. “One of the first things a pirate learns is how to cinch one of those to perfection.”
I feared that was one fact that was utterly certain.
“And I’ve been a pirate for a very, very long time…”
Why did he make it sound so strange?
I chewed my cheek. Searching his face for some sign of weakness.
But there was none.
Not for me anyway.
“Do you want the coin?” He asked pensively.
I fought through my frantic haze and recalled he’d offered it to me if I ‘pleased a man well’.
How the Hell do I do that? Fear tightened my stomach. I had no idea what he was talking about.
I’d always worn the heavy, coarse tunics and tucked my hair into the oversized cap to keep the sailors at bay. I was skinny enough they’d always mistaken me for a lad and left me be. I’d never been in this situation.
And I don’t know the first damn thing about pleasing a man.
“Could we talk about something else I could offer?”
He spared me a half-hearted glance.
“What if I were to tell you of a city nearby for raiding. I know the docks well and I saw your crew. Certainly, enough men to ravage the ships there.”
Definitely not. But worth a try.
He gave me a contemptuous look. Clucking in his cheek. “Such a little liar…”
He stroked my lower lips in circles. Heating it and dampening me there. He put his fingers to his lips and lathed out a tongue to taste me from his fingertips.
I stared aghast.
"Soon." He promised. "Let's have you taste me first."
What’s that mean?
He plucked loose the laces on his breeches and unleashed a staff that stood upright. Prepared to enter me. I knew that much.
I tried to clench my thighs, but the rope and belt were too tight. I flexed my ass to try and pull at the bindings but the hungry look on his eyes brightened as my hips thrust up in the motion.
"You want entered, don't you?"
I shook my head fearfully. "Please don't."
"No point in begging. You'll just waste your time. Having seen you now, there's no way I won't be spending the eve deep in you." He vowed.
I shrank from him. Trying to tuck deeper into the mattress.
"You won't get away." He grinned wolfishly. "You are going to be mine. Might as well enjoy the taking." He suggested.
He shucked his breeches and pulled his tunic over his head.
I was shocked at the muscled length of his body. Everything sinewed like a wild stallion. He looked like he was carved of stone.
This is going to hurt. I was suddenly certain. Suddenly feeling a new level of fear.