
I pushed him back onto the bunk and tugged his boots off him and helped him out of his pants. Diving on him as he scooted up the length of the bed.

His brow was somewhat furrowed as he gave me a skeptical look but made no move to stop me. I dug my nails into his shoulders and drug them down his chest. Leaving deep, bloody trails. He hissed through his teeth but only met my look.

“I can’t read you right now.” He murmured. “What are you thinking.”

“Just that I want you. Right now.”

He tilted his head sideways. “I don’t buy that.”

“Then stop me.” I countered. Dropping my head to leave a trail of kisses down his chest and along his body.

His palm fell to the back of my head, stroking my hair as he moaned at the gentle ministrations of me dropping lower. As I kissed along his pelvis and just reached the place where his member had stiffened to meet my mouth, he caught my hair.

I lifted my gaze beneath lowered lids, and he was giving me a warning look.