I squealed and jerked away. Eyeing him like the monster he was.
“Wha’?” He frowned at me. “I won’t hurt ye. I’m a eunich ye see. No wantin’ fer ye.”
I didn’t know what that meant but I still wanted out of his reach. “Thank ye Cook fer yer time. I best return to the Captain’s Cabin afores he misses me.”
Or comes hunting for me. I cringed at the thought of him catching me here.
He’d know exactly what I’m doing.
Cook grunted. “Aye. Ye should do tha’. It’s a bitter trip when Cap unhappy...”
I returned outside the door of the cabin. Breathing a sigh of relief that I’d made it unseen. I put my ear to it, to listen for movement within. I heard nothing. I used the key to turn the lock and re-enter. Sticking a bit of fabric inside the latch before stepping inside.
I scampered in and closed the door behind me. Only one corner of the scrap was visible so I thought it was as close as it could be to being hidden.