Freezing Cold: Is this what loneliness is?

Aaron's PoV

I gained my maturity at the age of 4.

I have known what I was made for when I listened to the people entering these area that I currently stay. Now, I believed I am a 7 and a half year old boy.

''Put STV-00004 next to STV-00002.''

Its always this woman. What is it this time?

''Is this the experiment that was conducted in Sweden six years ago?'' a man asked.

''Yes. This is the 4th experiment of the research the Smith couple is working for 10 years.''

''10 years? No wonder they don't have kids.''

''These kids are the kids they wanted. They created these children with the sperms of different races. Both of the scientist are infertile. STV-00001 came from a Filipino man. This boy here, STV-00002 is a Australian-German man. The 7 year-old girl, STV-00003 is a French-Greek descendant. And this newly arrived girl...''

Its a girl?