Our Love Story


The heartbreaking scream of the king made everyone stop fighting and look at him holding the delicate body of Zhao who, after protecting his partner from that arrow, fell slowly to the ground.

He was still looking directly into the eyes of the king with a smile.

"What a foolish thing... you've done" Lan Yang scolded him retaining his tears on his eyes.

"Why... is it foolish to protect...the person I love...?"

Zhao's broken voice made Lan Yang tremble, when he saw some blood drain from his partner's lips he couldn't stop his feelings, he didn't care that everyone was looking at him right now and began to cry.

He approached his lips to kiss him delicately, squeezing him a little more in his arms, Lan Yang felt impotent seeing the state of his partner, he tried to make him comfortable and think about what he could do but he doesn't know anything how that arrow work.