Another Story: Don't leave me

The afternoon Lan Yue died, he looks disconcerted, he could see his body right next to him...

He tries to talk to Xichen who didn't stop crying but when he got up from the cold floor and approached him to touch the shoulder of his partner, his hand evaporated...

Lan Yue wanted to out that he was still there... And he tried very hard to tell everyone in the the room that he was alive... That he was still there...

But no one listened...

No one seemed to even be able to see him, his emerald gaze focused on that empty cup he drank before everything went dark...

It was the cup he and Xichen would use to bind their lives to each other not to end up with his life...

Lan Yue feels that something was strange... he didn't remember the name of the poison he had taken... Or at which moment he prepared the tea and put on it... why would he do it in the first place?

He never… Well, he couldn't say that because he had just done it…

But it was strange... very strange