Earlier that morning, the sun had reached out her window when she woke up. She had been hearing noises for down stairs for a while now, and so she decided to go and check for what was up. She slightly opened her eyes unsure of where she was, she got up anyways to see that she was wearing unfamiliar clothes. It was almost like she had forgotten what had happened last night, all she remembered was that she was not acting like herself last night. She remembered feeling very sleepy and tired because of whatever had happened last night. She stretched her body while she yawned looking around, she then setup from her sleeping position. She continued stretching when she comes out of the bed , realise that not only was she wearing someone elses cloths she smelt werid perfume possibly coming from the clothes she was wearing . She come out of the room and out to the hallway and followed the sound of people arguing in low voices. She stood by the stair case when her eyes quickly found a man who looked to be around his late fifties, he was wearing a navy suit with a black tie. It was a very weird combination of colors but I guess it work well together. Standing opposite was Karson, she had remembered Karson from last night, but what she really did not understand was that Maggie was already sitting down, and having her breakfast without being bordered out. Maggie had seemed like she kinda looked like the two fighting in front of her. Nessa looked around when she notice that she had been wearing, Karson's clothes. She freaked out when she realized what would of happened, but then she then remembered that she had went to bed alone last night. She was alarmed by a voice that she had been noticed by that stair case, "Ness your awake" she said as the older man walked out of the apartment.Karson’s face light up to a he smile when he noticed her "Oh , you are a wake 'he said to her while she was going down the steps."Who was that ?"she asked as she took a step to the floor and stopped."That was Karson's dad ", Maggie answer her question, making her continued walking towards them."Karson made us breakfast so we can go to work”, she said.”To work!” she shouted."How could we going to work at this time”, she asked."We called in sick yesterday so we need to do the whole day and the whole night today”, she said."Oh No, I had an appointment with my therapist today at 3:30 pm and I also had a date ", she said while she took her sit by the table."You have a date?” Maggie asked in total surprise."You finally could talk to someone enough for the person to ask you on a date “she said in surprise."I could cover for you if you cover for me, cause I need to take my clothes and things for my ex’s house so I could move in", she said. "I think it could be a great idea”, she said."So how long is the therapy session going to go no for "Maggie asked while she took a spoon of her bowl of oat meal and put it in her mouth while removing strands of her dirty blonde hair from her face."It is for think about an hour and a half", she answer. Nessa stood and picked up her bowl of oats meal from the counter and sited herself on the table again."So who are you going on this date with", Karson asked.”Uumm,just my neighbor from the apartment complex”, she answered."You need to be careful because, we do not know who is sending these messages over all you need to be careful", Karson advised."Do you even know this guy?” she asked."He has been living in the building for like three months”, she said."I vote that you should not go", Karson said."Well I think you should go but with maybe pepper spray", she said."This guy has helped me when I didn't have anyone ,and there was that time not so long ago he help me, there was someone who had broken in my apartment well i thought that was what had happened”, she said."What if his was the one who had been calling and breaking in because if he was there he was to if someone come in who was not you", Karson said."You guys are being difficult, i will call him and tell him that I could not make it because of something ",Nessa said."Maybe you could go with Karson for your own safety, because if he is the messenger or the caller he will be suspicious", Maggie said."Won't that be like weird, or something unless he had his own date", Nessa answered."Maybe, if he could move up the date so me and Karson could go on the date together with you and him?" , she asked .''I could ask him, but the only problem was that he had said that he had something prepared for us, but i guess he could change the date to tomorrow'',.''Let us talk about way you are wearing Karson's underwear? '', she asked."I did not have anything to wear, and i had been wearing those clothes for the whole night”, she defended herself."Karson had told me that there was some clothes that he kept in the guess bed rooms to wear, like sleep wear and some sweats and stuff'', she said .''Well I was not in a guess room I was in Karsons room were nothing for me to do about the cloth situation'', she said.’ I have no problem with it besides she looks cute '',he said. ‘You guys who really make a cute couple'', Maggie said. What Maggie said had made her quit for rest of the breakfast talk. It was not that she hates it when Maggie would say any like that but it was because she really did not know how to react. This had made her think about yesterday and what happened, Karson had seemed to be relax about it. Maybe it was just her, the fact that she had never been in a relationship before she did not know how to react to the situation as a whole. It really not about the fact that he kissed her, it was about the fact that it was her first kiss. She really did not know if Karson like her even a bit or was he feeling drank or something , for some reason Vanessa could not think of anyone liking her like that to even kiss her but then what does she know about all that. ‘Maybe i could ask Maggie, unless she like him because i saw them yesterday looking like they are having a good time, but maybe her'', she said to herself. The breakfast had finished and Maggie had already gone for her morning shower, so Nessa had took it upon herself to make Karson say something