Before Dylan or anyone in the house knows, Kingsley has already made his move. It is more likely to be a murderous attack than to call it a move. Kingsley lurches himself onto Dylan without any warning; he stumbles and loses his balance, and they both fall on the black marble tiles, which are very smooth and shiny and show the reflection of light falling on them.
No one expected this, especially Janice. She yelps and steps backward. She crashes into a vase that falls on the floor with a bang. She panics. What has she done? Another mess though not intentionally. Who knows how much it costs and how she will repay the loss? Her throat is beginning to constrict, and she feels that her mouth is as dry as a bone.
She cast a nervous glance at the pieces and then at both of them. No one bothers- while fighting, they don't even have the slightest idea what is happening around them. She pulls herself together, however, still shocked.
Janice tries to pull them apart as they wrestle, but they are too bloodthirsty that she fails, so she simply leaves them struggling and rolling over on the marble tiles.
“Augh!” Dylan grunts, struggling to set himself free.
Kingsley covers his throat sure enough that he will not make him die, but at least he can make him strive for it. “Are you crazy?” asks Kingsley, now coming to his sense. They both struggle and roll over, grasping, fighting, and panting simultaneously, but Kingsley dares not to lose his hold.
W---what? Dylan chokes and places his hand where Kingsley has just grasped him tightly. “This is the question I should have to ask you.” He coughs. “Jumping on someone without any warning… is this normal?” he finishes his sentence with quite a difficulty.
“Do all taekwondion make this much fuss?” she murmurs. “They are being unreasonable. They are all mentors to their fans, but little do they know their insights”.
After a brief fight and noise, Christian emerges from the room, buttoning his shirt. He is a medium height good, looking fair boy- although handsome. He has a pointed chin and long black hair tied in a messy bun with some strands hanging out. A cold smile set on his face.
He is in his black shorts and wears a necklace which is more likely to be of platinum metal and is designed ‘A’ but appears much like a triangle. She wonders what it means. And suddenly, a memory hit her. This is his signature necklace that symbolizes alpha- his name as a player and has been taken as a token. This design is hard to copy by any of the jewellers and costs more than 1000 Yuan. The design is much more extraordinary and must be invented himself or maybe someone beloved- at least she thinks.
Janice's eyes fall on his chest; his muscular body is attractive enough that any girl can go wild and crazy at his sight. For a split second, she imagines that she will run and throw herself on him- just like other fans of his do. But to her surprise, she remains at her place motionless. She reckons that it surprises him too.
She is well aware that she is not the kind of woman who throws herself to get attention. Even the thought disgusts her. From her perspective, this is a mere show-off. In fact, she rolls her eyes because she is not interested in their beauty or their luxury. At the moment, she solely wishes that the fight end as quickly as possible so that she can learn their real motto of keeping her.
“What is this noise all of a sudden?” he asks, giving both of them a bizarre look who are rolling on a floor like two wild cats. His eyes trail Janice head to toe and then on the broken vase. She suddenly feels a cold chill. She meets his gaze, but he shakes his head and looks away. Instead, he meets Kingsley's eyes and asks, “What? you want another kick?” bending his knees and preparing his leg for a kick.
Kingsley, remembering the earlier act, unconsciously places his hand on his butt, and Christian snorts. “Hey! Don't embarrass me,” snaps Kingsley, glancing at Janice as he gets up. He offers Dylan a hand, and he accepts, smiling at him, and Kingsley smiles back.
They all remain at their place- silent, and then Kingsley gasps at the broken vase pieces. “It is from one of the top fans... well... it was,” he says, picking up the piece and showing it to Dylan, teasing him. Janice tries to say she is sorry for their loss and will repay them, but no voice comes out of her mouth. Instead, her eyes remain fixed on the pieces. “Lucky for you, it wasn’t bought.”
“Dispose it at once,” says Dylan sharply.
“Well… Isn't she the girl whom Dylan saved last night? what is she doing at our place?” asks Christian looking at Dylan. “And what the heck you two were doing at the floor?” he adds.
A panic appears between the two, and before Dylan can make a story, Kingsley has already opened his mouth and launched his missile, which doesn’t miss its target… which is probably Dylan. “Dylan will tell you… Will you, Dylan?” He asks innocently, repeatedly blinking his eyes and all eyes fall on Dylan.
Dylan glares and pokes him in his ribs. Ouch! he says. Dylan can judge that he overreacts it like he always does. “Ahm, well yeah…” says Dylan trying to find words.
“Since the two want to talk on some serious topic, why not give them a title privacy?” Kingsley wheels around to face Janice, anticipating her answer, and she nods.
“Let me accompany you...?” he asks, but his sentence remains incomplete, considering something. Janice immediately recognizes what he wants to ask, and she replies, “Janice... Janice Wu”.
“Okay, Miss Wu,” he begins, but he stops on interruption, which has always been caused by Janice. Dylan looks at Kingsley, eyeing that it’s okay she is like that.
“Simply Janice,” she says, trying to be as friendly as possible.
“Great!” he exclaims, giving her a thumbs-up. “Honestly speaking, to be formal isn't really my thing, but Christian doesn't allow me.” He shrugs. “You haven’t visited the garden… have you? Well, let me take you there”. He doesn’t even wait for her answer and simply escorts her out. Now, there remains only Dylan and Christian.
Christian being a player and manager of the team, has the right to add or suspend anyone from the team he finds unfit. He chooses Dylan as the leader of their team because his presence has always been fruitful for the team- and no one questions regarding his leadership. But right now, he doesn’t bother if someone questions him about adding a girl. He has made up his mind, and this time, this time, he is determined that whether someone agrees or not, she will stay. He will not lose her.
“Are you going to tell me? or should I have to wait whole day standing here?” asks Christian.
Dylan exhales, pulling a chair and sitting on it. “Fine! I want to train her”.
“May I ask why?” questions Cristian crossing his hands across his chest .
“To add her in our team,” he instantly says without thinking.
“Whoa... and what do you think? a girl will strengthen our team?” asks Christian. “And that… that fragile girl who was committing suicide the other day just for…?” He pauses, reminiscing every single detail she says about herself. “And you know the reason very well, or should I make you remind?”
“She... she has nice reflexes,” says Dylan panicking. His expressions grow harder. He is at a loss for words because he somewhat knows that Christian is right. But still, he won't back off.
“Reflexes aren't enough,” says Christian, calmly picking up the bottle Kingsley took it out from the fridge. He checks the temperature and then gulps down the bottle in one go.
“Everyone should be given a chance to prove oneself, Chris,” says Dylan. You are just looking down on her because of her gender”.
“Well... since you have made up your mind, then what's the point of arguing?” asks Christian. “Whatever decision you make, I will respect it by all means. You are capable and have shown enough of your strength that I hardly doubt any of your decisions,” he says all this very casually, but it mingles with an expression that he has wanted to say this for a long. Dylan looks directly into his eyes as if he can't digest what he has just heard.
“Yeah! I've to admit this one day for sure, and I think now is the better chance to. And Don't give me that look; I really mean it,” he says, weighing every word of praise. “And you know I can’t say no to you.”
“So, you agree?” asks Dylan
“Yeah, seems like no other option left. But before that, I want to know what she is capable of... Bring her tomorrow; I will fight if I find her useful, consider her addition”. He yawns, thinking how little he has slept.
“You should get some rest,” suggest Dylan.
“Probably,” he says, considering his suggestion. Christian walks towards the garden but stops halfway. His face becomes thoughtful. “Don’t consider that girl as a substitute to her,” he advises Dylan over his shoulder and then leaves.
“How come I will take her as substitute. Her place is irreplaceable but somehow Janice give me that feeling. Is it possible that she is alive?” thinks Dylan.